

2014考研英语 2014考研英语冲刺 英语一二阅读冲刺复习区别



  纵观历年硕士研究生考研英语真题发现,由于英语二试卷较少,英语二考生可以继续做英语一的试卷,但是要注意一点,就是英语一的例证题,英语二不考,所以不要花时间去研究这个题型。但是和例证题很相似的一个题型即写作目的题还是要考的。此类题一般在第一题位置,多考察第一段。提问方式多为The author uses the example/story of .... to __。或者为...is mentioned to____。此类题是直接找到这个例子的所在,划出例子的结尾。下一句话就是答案。太奇考研王瑾老师举个例子来说明一下:

  [2003 Text 1]42. Donovan'sstory is mentioned in the text to

  [A] introduce the topic ofonline spying。

  [B] show how he fought forthe U.S。

  [C] give an episode of theinformation war。

  [D] honor his uniqueservices to the CIA。

  答案就是找到Donovan故事的结尾,下一句话就是答案。Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The Americanspymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World War II andlater laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovanbelieved in using whatever tools came to hand in the “greatgame” of espionage -- spying as a “profession。” These days the Net, which hasalready re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, isreshaping Donovan’s vocation as well。

  例子的结尾就是Donovan believed inusing whatever tools came to hand in the “great game” of espionage -- spying as a “profession。”。下一句就是These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimesas buying books and sending mail, is...

