1 Completed and signed VAF.完整填写申请表格并亲笔签名
2 Correct fee.支付正确的签证费用
3 Appropriate recent photo attached securely to the front top right hand corner of the VAF.合格的近照,并贴在表格首页的右上方
4 Letter from sponsor.担保人的邀请信
5 "Evidence of sponsor’s immigration status in the UK
6 Evidence of how the trip will be funded e.g. Bank Deposit Certificates/ Bank Books/ Bank Slips. 提供此次行程所需费用的资金证明(例如银行存款证明、存折或存单)
7 Evidence of applicant’s employment/ studies and leave.提供申请人的在职/在读证明与假期证明
8 Family book.户口本
9 History/source of funds dating back at least 6 months
10 Detailed travel itinerary.提供详细的行程计划安排
11 Evidence of any sources of income. e.g. wage slips, share dividends, pensions etc提供收入来源证明(例如工资单,股份分红,津贴等)
12 Details of any hotel and flight bookings already made.酒店或机票预定信息
13 Evidence of immigration status in China if NOT a Chinese national. e.g Chinese visa如果不是中国公民,请提供申请人在中国的移民状况证明,如:中国签证
14 Any previous passports you still have.申请人所持有的旧护照
15 Evidence of marital status e.g. marriage or civil partnership certificates, divorce certs (unless single) 提供申请人的婚姻状况证明,如:结婚证,民事伴侣证明,离婚证明等(单身除外)
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