
2018US News英国大学专业排名:免疫学专业

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2018US News英国大学专业排名:免疫学专业

  US News2018年免疫学大学排名列出了200所大学,哈佛大学排在第一位。下面是关于英国大学在免疫学排名的具体情况,由留学群整理,供你选校参考。

  These universities have shown strength in producing research related to immunology, which is the study of the human body's defense system. Topics within the field include infectious diseases, autoimmunity and allergy, and therapies related to the treatment of disease. These are the top universities in the United Kingdom for immunology, based on their reputation and research in the field.


Best Universities for immunology in the UK

Based on USNews Best Global Universities Rankings by Subject 2018

RankUniversitySubject score
1University of Oxford79.3
2Imperial College London75.7
3University College London72.8
4London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine68.2
5University of Cambridge64.8
6University of Edinburgh63.5

