英国曼彻斯特大学国际商法专业硕士课程International Business and Commercial Law LLM
英国曼彻斯特大学国际商法专业硕士课程设置:该专业课程主要研究在国际金融服务问题的法规和合同法,并更广泛涉及这些商务法律问题。课程设置:Political Economy of Development 政治经济发展;Perspectives on Development 未来发展展望;European Business Structures 欧洲商业架构;International Carriage of Goods by Sea 国际海运;International Sale of Goods 国际货物销售;Banking and Payment in International Sales 国际销售银行和付款;Law, Governance & Development 法律,政府和发展;Economics For Lawyers 律师经济学;International Commercial Arbitration Law 国际商务仲裁法;Globalisation, Brands & Business Organisation 全球化,品牌和商业组织;Legal Issues In Emerging Markets 新兴市场法律问题;The Laws & Practice of International Banking & Finance 国际银行和金融的法律实践;Regulating Corporate Social & Environmental Behaviour 规范企业社会和环境行为;The Law of Restitution 赔偿法;European union Governance 欧洲联盟治理;Contemporary Problems in Public International Law 国际公法的当代问题;European union Consumer Law 欧盟消费法;Globalisation & Labour Market Regulation全球化和劳动力市场的监管;WTO & Regional Integration Law WTO和区域一体化;Discrimination Law歧视法;International Economic Law 国际经济法;Corporations and International Business Law公司与国际商业法;Intellectual Property Law 知识产权法;Anti-Trust Law & Policy反垄断法律和政策;Human Rights Law 人权;Trade Mark Law and Policy商标的法律和政策;Patent Law and Policy专利法律和政策;Unfair Competition Law 竞争法;Copyright Law and Policy版权法律和政策;International Aspects of Intellectual Property La...