Research strengths
Now in its 11th year, the distinctive creative research ethos of the National centre for Research in the Performing Arts (NcRPA) at the Royal conservatoire continues to flourish. The research portfolio blends practice-based artistic research, applied research and consultancy with traditional scholarly approaches. The Royal conservatoire’s excellent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008 result in Music showed that 85 per cent of our research in music is of recognised international quality. The research profile in drama is developing rapidly, particularly through the centre for Voice in Performance. The Royal conservatoire has a thriving research degree programme in partnership with the University of St Andrews, and as a founder member of MIDAS it is at the forefront of developing thinking on practice-based research in music. There is an excellent record of attracting funding from external bodies, and of national and international research collaborations.
At the conservatoire students are treated as prof...