What are my chances of being admitted?
The Emory University Office of Undergraduate Admission is unable to comment on an individual student’s chances for admission to Emory College or Oxford College or provide specific advice on what it takes to be admitted. There are not required levels that applicants must obtain in terms of standardized tests scores or grade point average to be considered for admission. We encourage you to review our admission profile data for a sense of our competitiveness.
It is important to note the evaluation of applications by the Admission Committee is comprehensive and holistic. Although an outstanding academic record is important, we select students on the basis of many attributes and are especially interested in those we believe will contribute to, as well as benefit from, our communities. Each application is reviewed individually, and the admissions committee considers each applicant as an individual. To that end, students are selected on the basis of many attributes—academic record, extracurricular achievements, demonstrated leadership and community contribution, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. Admissions decis...