Many critics of the current welfare system argue that existing welfare regulations lead to family instability.They believe that those regulations,which exclude most poor husband-and-wife families from Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) assistance grants,contribute to the problem of family dissolution.Thus,they conclude that expanding the set of families that can eligibly get such grants would result in a marked strengthening of the low-income family structure.
If all poor families could receive welfare,would the incidence of instability change markedly? The answer to this question depends on the relative importance of three types of potential welfare recipients.The first is the“cheater”—the husband who is reported to have abandoned his family,but in fact disappears only when the social worker is in the neighborhood.The second consists of a loving husband and devoted father who,sensing his own inadequacy as a family supporter,leaves so that his wife and children may enjoy the relative benefit provided by public assistance.There is very little evidence that these two types are significant.
The third type is the unhappily married couple,who remain together out of a sense of economic responsibility for their children,because of the high costs of separation,or because of the cons...