

考研英语阅读材料 良心法院 2021考研英语阅读材料



  If you really want something you will find a way... If you don't you will find an Excuse.


  While you can't control someone's negative behavior, you can control how long you participate in it.


  Keep you face always toward the sunshine and shadow will fall behind you.


  A woman is unstoppable after she realizes she deserves better.


  There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.







2021考研英语阅读材料 三块广告牌 考研英语阅读材料



  Through love comes calm, and through calm comes thought.


  Well, all you can do is try, as my momma says.


  Maybe I'll see you again if there's another place. And if there ain't,Well, it's been heaven knowing you.


  But as long as you hold onto so much hate, then I don't think you're ever going to become what I know you wanna become - a detective.


  You don't even need a gun. And you definitely don't need hate. Hate never solved calm did. And thought did. Try it.


  This is not a case of I came in this world alone, and I'm going out of it alone or anything dumb like that. I did not come in this world alone, my mom was there, and I am not going out of it alone, cause you are there.






白日梦想家 2021考研英语阅读材料 考研英语阅读材料



  We can still build a life together.

  我们还是可以一起创造人生 。

  Beautiful things don't ask for attention.


  I just live by the ABCs: Adventurous, Brave, Creative.


  To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of LIFE.

  开拓视野,冲破艰险,洞悉所有,贴近生活,寻找真爱,感受彼此。 这就是人生的目的。

  Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment... I mean, me, personally... I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. Just want to stay in it.

  有时候我不拍 。如果我很喜欢某个时刻,我是说,就我个人而言……我不喜欢相机让我分心。我只想沉浸在那一刻 。







2021考研英语阅读材料 考研英语阅读材料 成为你本该成为的人



  It is never too late to be what you might have.


  Many things can be achieved, as long as you believe in it.


  Having talents is fantastic. Having confidence is even more important.


  Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.


  There is no friend as loyal as a book.









衡量生命价值 2021考研英语阅读材料 考研英语阅读材料



  he(Trump) was raising an issue that economists have long grappled with: How can a society assess the trade-off between economic well-being and health?


  President Trump and leading business figures are increasingly questioning the wisdom of a prolonged shutdown of the American economy — already putting millions out of work — to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.


  however, a widespread consensus among economists and public health experts that lifting the restrictions would impose huge costs in additional lives lost to the virus — and deliver little lasting benefit to the economy.


  Weighing economic costs against human lives will inevitably seem crass. But societies also value things like jobs, food and money to pay the bills — as well as the ability to deal with other needs and prevent unrelated misfortunes.


  Government agencies calculate these trade-offs regularly. The Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, has established a cost of about $9.5 million per life saved as a benchmark for dete...



考研英语阅读材料 2021考研英语阅读材料 飞行汽车



  A Japanese startup called SkyDrive Inc. has begunconducting test flights of their prototype flying carwith a human pilot.


  The company hopes to be able to make a full publicdemonstration of the vehicle later this summer.


  The test flights are being conducted at a protectedindoor facility at the company's research flightcenter outside of Nagoya.


  There have been a number of previous test flights, but they were all conducted via remotecontrol and no human pilot on-board.


  According to a report in The Asahi Shimbun, SkyDrive says the car could be ready for a limitedretail release as early as 2023, and mass production by 2026.


  SkyDrive was founded by former engineers from Toyota and they intend their vehicle to be "the world's smallest flying car".


  In 2017, Toyota gave the company an infusion of around $350,000 to help develop flyingvehicles.


  The company said it won't say more about how the test flights have been proceeding so far, butsays thing...


2016年考研英语阅读材料:Urban land

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  2016年考研英语阅读材料:Urban land

  BUY land, advised Mark Twain; they're not making it any more. In fact, land is not really scarce: the entire population of America could fit into Texas with more than an acre for each household to enjoy. What drives prices skyward is a collision between rampant demand and limited supply in the great metropolises like London, Mumbai and New York. In the past ten years real prices in Hong Kong have risen by 150%. Residential property in Mayfair, in central London, can go for as much as 55,000 (82,000) per square metre. A square mile of Manhattan residential property costs 16.5 billion.

  Even in these great cities the scarcity is artificial. Regulatory limits on the height and density of buildings constrain supply and inflate prices. A recent analysis by academics at the London School of Economics estimates that land-use regulations in the West End of London inflate the price of office space by about 800%; in Milan and Paris the rules push up prices by around 300%. Most of the enormous value captured by landowners exists because it is well-nigh impossible to build new offices to compete those profits away.

  The costs of this misfiring property market are huge, mainly because of their effects on individuals. High housing prices force workers towards cheaper but less productive places. According to one study, employment in the Bay Area around San Francisco would be ab...


2016年考研英语阅读材料:High-tech sanitation

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   2016年考研英语阅读材料:High-tech sanitation

  JAPAN is often viewed with antipathy in China, but increasingly commerce is trumping contempt. During the lunar new-year holiday in February, Chinese tourists thronged to Japan in record numbers. Many came home lugging a high-end Japanese luxury: a heated toilet-seat complete with pulsating water jets, deodorisers and even music to drown out less melodious tinklings. In recent weeks the run on Japanese loos has been a topic of much debate among Chinese commentators, revealing deep insecurities.

  Chinese visitors bought more high-tech lavatory seats than almost any other Japanese product during the week-long break, according to Hottolink, a Japanese consulting firm. Most popular was a new variety with hands-free lid opening, say staff at a branch in Tokyo of Bic Camera, a consumer electronics store where Chinese shoppers are so numerous that signs advertise wares in Chinese and assistants speak Mandarin. These cost around 65,000 (540). Some bought several seats, including portable, battery-powered ones.

  Relations between China and Japan have shown recent, tentative signs of warmth after a long chill. But only three years ago demonstrators in several Chinese cities called for a boycott of Japanese goods in protest against Japan's stance in a still-festering dispute over uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. Some Japanese companies responded by ...



考研英语阅读材料 英语阅读材料

  MEMORY has long been the subject of fierce and often deadly ideological battles inRussia. Those who control the past also control the present. Following the murder of Boris Nemtsov, a liberal opposition leader, on a bridge by the Kremlin, a fight for his memory, and for the Russian flag, is taking place. In Soviet times, purged Communist Party members were excised from photographs as though they never existed. Now it seems the Kremlin is trying similarly to airbrush Mr Nemtsov.

  First Kremlin spin-doctors tried to divert attention from Mr Nemtsov's murder to the “sudden” disappearance of Vladimir Putin, Russia's president. Ten days later, Mr Putin re-emerged triumphantly and celebrated the anniversary of Russia's annexation of Crimeaat the spot where Mr Nemtsov died. A frenzied crowd yelled “Ross-i-ya”, as if that could quash memories of Mr Nemtsov and his opposition to war inUkraine.

  In the middle of the night on March 27th, a month after Mr Nemtsov's murder, the authorities cleared the bridge of flowers and photographs. Thanks to Mr Nemtsov's friends and followers, the memorial was restored. People across the country ordered flowers online, and supporters took them to the bridge. Mr Nemtsov's photographs under Russian tricolours have been remounted on the balustrade. Volunteers guard the memorial day and night in snow and rain, sustained with tea and ...


2016年考研英语阅读材料:Those who can

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  2016年考研英语阅读材料:Those who can

  IMAGINE a job where excellence does nothing to improve your pay or chances of promotion, and failure carries little risk of being sacked. Your pay is low for your qualifications―but at least the holidays are long, and the pension is gold-plated.

  Teaching ought to be a profession for hard-working altruists who want to improve children's life prospects. But all too often school systems seem designed to attract mediocre timeservers. Many Mexican teachers have inherited their jobs; Brazilian ones earn less than other public servants, and retire much earlier. Each school-day a quarter of Indian teachers play truant. In New York it is so hard to sack teachers that even those accused of theft or assault may be parked away from pupils, doing “administrative tasks” on full pay, sometimes for years.

  You can find outstanding individuals in the worst school systems. But, as lazy and incompetent teachers get away with slacking, the committed ones often lose motivation. In America and Britain surveys find plummeting morale. Jaded British teachers on online forums remind each other that it is just a few months till the long summer break―and just a few years till retirement. No wonder so many children struggle to learn: no school can be better than those who work in it.

  Yet it is possible to persuade the hardworking and ambitious to teach. Finland pays teachers mo...

