41、 Insulted by my opponent, I ______ at him with closed fists.
A. glared B. peeped C. glanced D. stared
glare 怒目而视
peep 偷窥
glance 一扫、一瞥
glimpse 一瞥
love at first glimpse 一见钟情
gape 吃惊地看
gaze v.盯、凝视 n.凝视
stare (at) 凝视、紧盯着看
leer (at) 裸视、送秋波、斜视
opponent 敌对者
postpone 推迟、拖延
proponent 支持者
42、The girl took cheese and _____ to eat.
A. commenced B. commended C. commanded D. commented
commence 开始, 着手
commencement 正规大学的学位的授予仪式
initiate 开始
originate (from) 开始, 起源
begin to do/doing 开始做某事/开始从事某事
commend 称赞, 表扬
command 命令, 指挥
demand 要求
comment 注释, 评论
commentary 评论