前言:阿肯色州(State of Arkansas),简称阿州,是美国南部的一个州份,位处密西西比河中下游,北接密苏里州,西界俄克拉荷马州,南邻路易斯安那州,西南与得克萨斯州接壤,东隔密西西比河与田纳西州和密西西比州相望,其面积137539Km²,人口2810872(2006年)。其首府是小石城。州名来自印第安语,原为夸保族、奥萨格族、卡多族、切罗基族和乔克托族印地安人居住地。阿肯色州立大学性大学有:阿肯色大学菲亚特维尔校区,中阿肯色大学,阿肯色州立大学,阿肯色科技大学,阿肯色大学小石城分校。除此以外,职业性大学有阿肯色医科大学。阿肯色医科大学,阿肯色大学菲亚特维尔,阿肯色大学小石城分校都属于阿肯色大学系统,也是该州唯一的大学系统。
一、 阿肯色州纵览
• Located in south of the US; borders with Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma,
• State capital and largest city is Little Rock,
• The only state name with an official pronunciation set out in state legislation,
• Before adopting ‘The Natural State’ in 1995, Arkansas had as its official nickname ‘Land of Opportunity’,
• Famous musicians from Arkansas include Beth Ditto, Johnny Cash and Al Green,
• Top agricultural products by revenue are broilers (young chickens), rice, soybeans, cattle and calves, and cotton,
• Natural gas is most i...