Technology makes our lives better. You're taking aMOOC class, and have your appointments organizedon your computer. You watch wepisodes on yourinternet-capable high-definition television. You payyour bills electronically and save time and money.That's fine and dandy, until someone takes out theelectronic banking system and the machines takeover the planet.
Sounds crazy? Perhaps. None of the gadgets and innovations we included in our list of 10scary technologies is likely to rain death and destruction on our little planet, though thatdoesn't prevent people from being unnerved by them. Read on to find out what weirdness mayawait in the future.
10.Hearing Voices at the Store
Imagine that you walk into your friendly neighborhood big box store and instead of beinggreeted by a smiling retiree, you hear whispered voices prompting you to buy things. You spinaround to see who's speaking, but there's no one there and none of the other shoppers seemalarmed. Have you finally gone nuts? No, but the ]advertising industry has.