根据下面的提示,用英语写一则 80—100 字的日记。
提示: 九月十日(星期日)是教师节。这天天气晴朗。上午你参加了学校举行的庆祝会。庆祝 会上有几位三十年以上教龄的老师得到了奖章。 你的英语教师李老师也是其中之一。 晚饭后, 你和几位同学一起去看望李老师。 李老师表示要将自己的有生之年献给教育事业, 并鼓励你 们努力学习。你深受鼓舞,决心将来也当一名象李老师那样的教师。
A Page from My Diary Sunday, Sept. 10Fine Today is Teachers’ Day. In the morning, I attended the school celebration, at which several teachers were given medals for having completed 30 years of teaching. Mr. Li, my English teacher was one of them. After supper my classmates and I went to see Mr. Li. He said that he would devote the rest of his life to the cause of education. He also encouraged us to work hard at our lessons. I was inspired by what he said and made up my mind to be a teacher like Mr. Li when I grow up.