A form of financial aid given to undergraduate students to help pay for their education. Most scholarships are restricted to paying all or part of tuition expenses, though some scholarships also cover room and board. Scholarships are a form of gift aid and do not have to be repaid. Many scholarships are restricted to students in specific courses of study or with academic, athletic or artistic talent.
不同的scholarship有它不同的要求,一般是成绩达到有求还有是工作经验丰富的,或者最长见的就是参加某些竞赛得到名次。奖学金分为两类,一类是服务类,另一类是非服务类。服务类包括助研金(RA—Research Assistant)和助教金(TA—Teaching Assistant)。非服务类包括学院助学金(Fellowship) 奖学金(Scholarship)和全免学杂费(Tuition & Fee Waiver)
Financial Aid( 经济资助)
Money provided to the student and the family to help them pay for the student"s education. Major forms of financial aid include gift aid (grants and scholarships) and self-help aid (loans and work).
其实我们通常所讲的美国大学的奖学金叫做Financial Aid,也就是经济资助。经济资助分为6种形式,助学金 (Fellowship),奖学金 (Scholarship),学费减免 (Tuition-Waiver),助研和助教 (Research Assistantship & Teaching Assistantship),校内住宿减免和校外住宿节省 (On or Off-Campus Housing Credit or Saving)和校内工作 (On-Campus Job)。 这六种形式都是可以申请的。
Fellowship( 学院助学金)
MA form of aid given to graduate students to help support their education. Some fellowships include a tu...