This is the first year of the list. Spread out over 18 countries and regions, Hurun Research found 1577 individuals with wealth of CNY 2bn, of which 302 were from outside mainland China. Total wealth comes to a staggering US$2.1 trillion, equivalent to the GDP of Russia, or 1.5 times that of South Korea.
胡润研究院发布《2015瀚亚资本·胡润全球华人富豪榜》(Hanya Capital· Hurun Global Chinese Rich List 2015)。这是胡润研究院首次发布“全球华人富豪榜”,总上榜人数达到1577人,覆盖全球18个国家和地区,其中包括302位港澳台及海外地区华人富豪,上榜门槛20亿元人民币。《2015瀚亚资本·胡润全球华人富豪榜》上榜富豪总财富高达12.7万亿,与俄罗斯全年GDP基本相当,是韩国GDP的1.5倍。
The Top 10 all come from mainland China or Hong Kong. 6 live in mainland China and the other 4 live in Hong Kong. Half are in real estate. Average age is 66. Pony Ma Huateng of Tencent is the youngest, aged 44.
Wang Jianlin, 61, overtook Li Ka-shing to be crowned the richest Chinese in the world with a fortune of US$42.6 billion, driven mainly by the recent listings of his real estate and cinema businesses.
Li Ka-shing, 87, came second with a fortune of US$32.8 billion. With the bulk of his wealth made in real estate, Li has recently been investing heavily into the UK. Li is currently organizing his...