

熊本大学本科申请 熊本大学硕士申请 日本大学留学申请

  熊本大学建立于19世纪,是日本的一所古老的公立大学。熊本大学的申请分为本科申请、研究生申请、研究型学生(Research Students )申请和旁听生申请。不同的学生类别有不同的申请要求和流程。那么具体都如何申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。

  一、Undergraduate Students


  1) Applicants must not be Japanese citizens.

  2) The completion of 12 years of education (or its academic equivalent) in a country other than Japan, or special permission from the Minister of Education (MEXT).

  3) Applicants are required to take the examination for Japanese University Admission for international students.



  2) 在日本以外完成12年教育或等同教育,或者得到教育部的特殊许可;

  3) 申请人需要参加日本大学国际学生入学考试。

  Admissions procedures

  (Please note that the dates may differ slightly depending on the year.)

  June or November

  Take the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)

  Late November

  Get the registration materials and application form from the Admission Section, Kumamoto University

  Late January to early February

  Submit the application forms to the Admission Section, Kumamoto University

  Middle of February

  An admission ticket for the exam will be sent to those who have been judged qualified to enter.

  The exam must be taken on the appointed day at the time and place specified on the admission ticket.


