

澳洲留学哪个城市好 qs澳大利亚留学城市 全球最佳留学城市

  Want to study in Australia? We're not surprised! It's one of the world's most popular study destinations, and it's not difficult to understand why...

  What comes to mind when you think of Australia? Sandy beaches and a deep azure ocean, cold cans of lager, and barbeques? Perhaps you might add some weird and wonderful creatures (including some poisonous enough to kill you), miles upon miles of unpeopled wilderness, and an almost maniacal love of sport.

  There is a large element of truth to these common suppositions. Australia does boast two beaches known as the Eighty Mile Beach and Ninety Mile Beach (and 10,683 other smaller beaches on its mainland alone); Australians – particularly students – do enjoy a drink on the weekend; and the warm weather does indeed lend itself to the outdoor preparation of food. But this by no means an entire portrait of the country - for one thing, it misses out any mention of Australia's impressive higher education system, which was ranked fourth in the QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings 2016.



  这些假设都有大量的现实可以佐证。澳大利亚拥有两个被称为“八十哩海滩”和“九十英哩海滩”的海滩 (并且单单是在大陆上就有10683个其他较小的海滩)。澳大利亚人——尤其是学生——会享受在周末喝上一杯;并且温暖的天气确实有助于户外食物的准备。但是这绝对不是这个国家的全部——单从一件事情上来说就是,它遗漏了提及澳大利亚那令人印象深刻的高等教育体系,这可是在2016年QS高等教育体系实力排名中位列全球第4位的。


