I was afraid to fly alone, but Dad put me on board anyway and a flight attendant (乘务员) was keeping an eye on me through the flight.
21 came to land.
As we broke through the clouds, I could see lights 22 and knew we were getting close to the ground. When we came to the runway, however, I realized we were going too 23 ! I turned and looked back: no one seemed to be acting 24 — it seemed to be fine. The lights were gone when suddenly someone shouted, “Look, the runway's 25 !”
I looked up ahead and saw a busy road. There were lots of 26 that must have seen us because some of them 27 . We crossed the road, and I felt 28 not knowing whether we were going to run over or be hit by the cars! 29 was with us, but not for long.
We 30 nose down onto some ground. The flight attendant came, “Have to 31 !” I didn’t 32 and immediately unfastened my seatbelt. Through the window I saw 33 sign. A 34_ thought crossed my mind that the plane could be sitting on gas tanks and it might 35 !
The exits were opened and the 36 started to help get people down out. When I did touch the ground, I wanted to 37 , still fearing the explosion. The gas tanks were 38 and the flight attendant passed me my cell phone by which I called my grandparents, who were waiting for 39_ from me....