波茨坦大学是德国勃兰登堡州最大的大学,特别注重学与用的结合,与企业界、就业市场一直保持紧密联系 。波茨坦大学设有5个学院:法学院、哲学院、人文学院、经济与社会学院和数学与自然科学院,每年都招留学生。那么波茨坦大学的本科怎么申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。
Application Bachelor
(1)Application for the first semester of study
At the University of Potsdam, applications for the first semester of study in a Bachelor’s degree program with admission restrictions and the First Law Examination (Bachelor of Law) (NC UP) are only accepted for the winter semester of each academic year and within the application period.
For degree programs without admission restrictions (no Numerus Clausus - NC) no application is necessary. You can enroll online within the official enrollment period. If you send all the documents required for enrollment within the time period you will be enrolled in this degree program.
(2)Application for an advanced semester of studyAt the University of Potsdam, applications for an advanced semester of study in a Bachelor’s degree program with admission restrictions and the First Law Examination (Bachelor of Law) (NC UP) are accepted for the winter semester as well as for the summer semester of each academic year and within the application period.
Prior to your application, please inform yourself about your planned transfer from another university or your change of major/program of study as ...