

波尔顿大学奖学金 英国留学





  University of Bolton Scholarship Briefing Sheet 2012/13

  The Amount

  £500 per annum will be awarded to all U.K. undergraduate University of Bolton students whose household income is under £25,000, and who are progressing to a University of Bolton Higher Education course, from either a partner institution which has entered into a Progression Accord with the university, or an Access Course at University of Bolton. Students on PGDE/PDE courses are not eligible for this award.

  Eligibility for Scholarship

  The student must have commenced an undergraduate course of study in September 2012 or later at University of Bolton and be paying tuition fees of a minimum of £6,000. Fees must be paid via tuition fee loan or student must be self funded.

  Applicants must be full-time U.K. undergraduate Higher Education University of Bolton students. The Scholarship will be paid for first, not subsequent equivalent or lower level HE courses only.

  The student must have successfully completed an approved preparatory course of study at Level 3 (e.g. A-Levels)...

