

比勒费尔德大学申请 比勒费尔德大学 德国大学申请


  1.Bachelor studies, Staatsexamen in Law


  Applicants for a Bachelor degree or a Staatsexamen in Law who have acquired a foreign University entrance qualification, apply directly at "uni-assist e.V." Uni-assist is a membership corporation, which Bielefeld University has joined. Uni-assist evaluates international school/ university certificates and examines if the submitted school/ university certificates are equivalent to German school/ university degrees, i.e. whether they qualify in principle for admission to university studies in Germany.

  对于已经获得外国大学入学证书的学生,如果要申请学士学位和国家考试法律专业,必须直接通过uni-assist e.V申请。uni-assist e.V是一个成员公司,比勒费尔德大学是其成员。uni-assist e.V负责对中学证书或大学证书进行评估,看证书是否与德国中学证书或大学学位证书同等。也就是说,看它们在原则上是否符合德国大学的入学要求。

  First, please apply online via uni-assist

  After the online application the following certificates have to be sent as well by post to uni-assist:

  school-leaving certificate

  certificates of courses of study (diploma and transcript of records)

  evidence of command of German

  The application deadline for international applicants is the 15th of January for summer terms and the 15th of July for winter terms.

  Please send only certified copies of original certificates and translations ...

