列日大学 (又称国立列日大学或烈日大学——法语:Université de Liège;英语:University of Liege)),成立于1817年,位于比利时的法语区第三大城市列日市。一百多年来,已发展成为一所学科齐全、以严谨的学术教育和一流科研水平而著称的世界一流综合性大学。现有教授400名,科学研究员1500名,在校学生14000名,其中2050名为来自70多个国家的国际学生。同时大学的图书馆还是欧洲最大的科学图书馆之一。下面请看留学群m.liuxuequn.com为大家整理的比利时列日大学留学费用详情。
800g 切片面包: €2 - €2.50
一包薯片: €2
一杯啤酒(咖啡厅-酒吧): €1.80 - €2
市里餐厅(一道菜): €9起
快餐: €3.50 - €8.50
披萨店: €7起
电影票: €4.50起
日报: €1
1等国内邮票: €0.77
1等国际邮票: 欧洲€1.17 - 世界€1.39
公车票: €2.20
8次巴士卡(在市内使用): €8.80
Cost of living
Expect expenditure in the order of €600 per month. During your first month in Liège, however, you must expect to spend considerably more (youth hostel costs, deposit for your accommodation, etc). You will also have to add costs arising from your studies (purchasing books for example). These will vary according to subject.
To give you some reference points, here are the prices, in Liège, for some staple foods:
800 g sliced loaf: €2 - €2.50
Packet of chips (stalls): €2