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程序员鼓励师 英语新闻 每日邮报


  Chinese tech companies have sparked controversy (引发了争议) on social media after choosing to motivate(激励) their male employees by hiring 'programming cheerleaders'.

  中国的科技公司雇佣“程序员鼓励师”(programming cheerleaders)来激励男性员工,此举在社交媒体上引发了争议。

  The 'pretty, talented' girls are hired to 'create a fun work environment' for employees of internet companies across the country, according to a social media website in China.


  'Their job includes buying programmers breakfast, chitchatting and playing ping-pong with them,' the post said.


  An HR manager of one of the companies that apparently hired three of the 'cheerleaders'(鼓励师) told that their programmers were 'mostly male and terrible at socialising.'(社交能力)


  'The presence of these girls have greatly improved their job efficiency and motivation,' the HR manager said.





高考英语 阅读理解 马航客机失联





  A major search has been launched for a Malaysian Airlines jet with 239 people on board after it lost contact flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

  Airline officials admitted they were gravely concerned for the safety of the aircraft.

  It was not immediately known which nationalities were on board the jet which was flying on a popular route.

  An unconfirmed report on a flight tracking website said the aircraft had plunged 200m and changed course shortly before all contact was lost.

  The route would have taken flight MH370, a B777-200 aircraft, across the Malaysian mainland in a north easterly direction and then across the Gulf of Thailand.

  Those on board included two infants and 12 crew members, Malaysian Airlines said in a statement, adding it was working with all authorities in the region and search and rescue teams had been mobilised.

  The aircraft had been due to land in Beijing at 6.30am local time but at 7.54am the airline issued a statement saying it had not landed and was officially missing.

  Aviation experts said that if the report of the aircraft suddenly plunging was correct it could be due to a number of factors.

  These include a catastrophic engine failure, ...

