
托福机经:2011.8.21 最新托福口语回忆

2011.8.21 最新托福口语机经


  Task 1

  第一题:talk about something you wanted to do but never had time to do yet. Describe the details and explain the reason.

  what do you want to do the most, but never have time to do?

  Descripte a thing that you always wanted to do but have not yet done it. Detail and explanations.

  Describe something you want to learn, but you do not have time to learnbefore.描述一个你一直想做却没做的事



  Task 2

  do you prefer to do couples of small assignments or one or two big assignments.

  do you prefer to have several short assignments for a class or one or two long assignments?

  some students prefer short assignments, while others prefer longassignments, which one do you prefer.


  分数由很多很短的作业决定 还是很少很长的作业(我咋觉得我说的中文都这么诡异了

  Task 3

  the university decide to have music performance on every Friday night. And the woman thinks that it is cool. First, she can perform on the performance.Second, she can practice to be relax on a performance, e.x. talk to theaudience. Third, all the enrolled students may enjoy the performance for free.

  3。 阅读:关于学校的咖啡厅又一个新计划:允许学生办音乐会



托福机经:2011.8.13 最新托福口语回忆

2011.8.13 最新托福口语机经



  1。 your suggestions on how to save out planet since we are facing serious environmental problems.

  2. 给朋友送礼物是自己认真挑好 还是 挑他所喜欢的礼物好

  3. 学生写信,提议在humanisitic building附近建一个停车场, 因为他找不到停车场, 该building周边的wooded area 可用于修建


  1.现在不是只有一个地方可以停,邻近的别的很多地方都能停, 比如dining hall, libruaty。而且大家不介意多走几步路

  2.学校里面树不多,那是唯一的一个wooded area, 所以要保护。 另外有学生在该area中study、干其他事情。

  4.demand shifting

  把 peak-period的demanding 转移至 non-peak period中

  听力一个例子 说他教授一朋友在LA开饭馆 晚上7-9点巨忙,人多,没地。 有些顾客等半个多小时,而大部分顾客直接走了,去了其他餐厅。 所以他就想出办法,7点前去的顾客有免费dessert。于是顾客提早来,从而7点前人多了,7点后不拥挤了

  5.一个女生 have a picnic with elementary school student at weekends, but rain tomorrow.

  一个办法 改时间 to next week

  另一个办法 改去 local restaurant, but not that funny

  6.讲群居的动物为了维持群体的unity的两种display behavior

  1. threatening behavior。 举baboon例, 两只同时看到一个fruit,先看到了就stare at 另一个baboon, 发出 threatening noise, 另一只baboon understand,从而avoid conflict

  2. friendly behavior。 及时刚刚两只狒狒打起来了, 打完之后,他们会 approach each other, 表现出 friendlybehavior, hug each other。



