智利天主教大学成立于1888年,是根据圣地亚哥大主教马里亚诺·卡萨诺瓦同年6月21日的教谕而成立的。经过一个多世纪的发展壮大,现已是一所包含人文科学、社会科学、自然科学、技术科学、经济管理科学和保健科学在内的综合大学。智利天主教大学致力于教育建立更公正和繁荣的社会的人。智利天主教大学是智利高等教育系统中6个天主教大学之一,并且是智利2个宗座大学之一。根据QS University Rankings: Latin America TM 2011/2012,智利天主教大学是南美第二、智利第一的大学。
The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was founded on June 21, 1888 by Monsignor Mariano Casanova, Archbishop of Santiago. His goal was to create an institution capable of blending academic excellence and training based on the Christian doctrine. The local and universal historical context that the Church faced when the University was founded inspired the institution to train professionals who led Christian lives and who could renew energies for the coming generations. The first Rector was Monsignor Joaquín Larraín Gandarillas and the first two faculties were Law, Physical Sciences and Math.
In 1889, the Faculty of Legal Sciences was created, along with the San Juan Evangelista Academy and two professional schools: the San Rafael Commercial and Literary Academy and the Nuestra Señora del Carmen Industrial School. In 1984 the University offered the first architecture course, which served as a st...