
2018最新US News智利大学排名

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2018最新US News智利大学排名

  10月,US News公布了2018年智利大学排名,智利天主教大学排在第一位。本文是关于智利大学在本次排名中的具体表现,由留学群整理翻译,供你选校参考。

  These Chilean universities have been numerically ranked based on their positions in the overall Best Global Universities rankings. Institutions were evaluated based on their research performance as well as their ratings by members of the academic community from within the region and around the world. These are the top global universities in Chile.


Best Universities in Chile 2018

Based on USNews Best Global Universities Rankings 2018

world rankdomestic rankuniversityglobal score
3151Pontificia University Católica de Chile51.7
416=2University of Chile46.7
429=3Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria45.9
721=4University of Concepción35.3
948=5Universidad Austral de Chile26.7

