

加拿大奖学金 新布伦瑞克大学申请 新布伦瑞克大学奖学金

  新布伦瑞克大学(University of New Brunswick)创办于1785年,是加拿大创办最早的大学之一。学校位于新不伦瑞克省,在该省省会和省内最大城市均有校区。两个校区吸纳了近12000名学员学习,60余个专业涵盖了各行各业。在加拿大诸多大学中有不错的竞争力。那么去新布伦瑞克大学读研,有哪些奖学金可以申请呢?和留学群来看看吧。

  September 25 - CIHR CGS Doctoral Scholarships - Valued at $35,000 per year for up to three years, the CIHR CGS Doctoral Scholarships are open to Canadian and Permanent Residents.

  The application process is completed online, independatly from the University, within ResearchNet.CIHR provides a detailed application guide, and also provides application instructions.

  A completed application will include:

  1) A complete Common CV

  2) A complete CIHR Doctoral Application

  Students applying for the CIHR CGS Doctoral Scholarships are encouraged to attend the CGS Doctoral Awards workshop presented throughout the summer on both the Fredericton and Saint John campuses.


  金额每年35,000 美元,最多期限不超过三年。加拿大卫生研究院CGS博士奖学金向加拿大学生和用尽居民开放。

  线上申请,不同于入学申请流程。ResearchNet.CIHR 有详细的申请指南和申请指导。



  October 01 - CGS Vanier Scholarships - The 2017-18 CGS Vanier Scholarship Competition has been launched. Eligible students should contact their Faculty/Department to review the application process and work on a timeline for submission, as well...



加拿大奖学金 新布伦瑞克大学 新布伦瑞克大学奖学金

  To offset some of the costs of a university education, UNB offers millions of dollars in scholarship support each year.

  The University of New Brunswick welcomes all International students who study at our campuses. International students can be considered for scholarship support upon admission to UNB as well as throughout their years of undergraduate study at UNB. The primary consideration for scholarship support at UNB is academic achievement so keep your grades up and study hard!

  All students interested in being considered for scholarship support need to apply to be considered. Eligible international students include high school applicants, students transferring from another post-secondary institution as well as students continuing their studies at UNB.





  1.International High School Students

  Apply by Mar. 1

  International students who are applying to UNB directly from high school need to...

