



  留学群讯 美国大学委员会近日发布了一项新PSAT考试的测试标准,这为在2016年开始施行的新SAT考试提供了参考依据。这两种考试在内容上联系较大,于是专家根据此标准预测SAT考试将会更简单,真的会是这样吗?

  The College Board just released a sample of its revised PSAT, or the Preliminary SAT/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, which is taken by some 3.5 million high school students each year. The PSAT does not count for college admissions, but is important for students hoping to win a National Merit Scholarship. And because the PSAT and the SAT use the same style of questions, this gives us a chance to see what the new SAT — which is being unveiled in 2016 — will look like. This post does just that. It was written by James S. Murphy, who has been prepping students for the SAT for almost two decades. He lives in Boston and is a tutoring manager for The Princeton Review. The views represented here are his own.

  大学委员会最近发布了一个关于修改后的国家优秀学生奖学金资格考试标准,该考试又叫PSAT,每年都会有350万高中生参加。PSAT不能作为大学录取的依据,但对于想拿到国家级奖学金的学生而言非常重要。由于PSAT和SAT考试的题型相同,所以该标准的提出可以让我们预测2016年施行的新SAT考试会是什么样子。James S. Murphy写了一篇帖子,他对SAT考试的教学研究经验已经有20年了。以下是他的观点:

  By James S. Murphy

  Like a hip new restaurant using a soft opening, the College Board has quietly released a sample PSAT on its website to no fanfare or press at all. In most years, this would be a non-event. The PSAT score, after all, plays no role in college admissions. It only matters for the less...

