

GRE中短篇阅读 新GRE阅读真题 GRE阅读



  一、The finding that there were rock-melting temperatures on asteroids for sustained periods is puzzling: asteroids’ heat source is unknown, and unlike planet-sized bodies, such small bodies quickly dissipate heat. Rubin suggests that asteroids’ heat could have derived from collisions between asteroids. Skeptics have argued that a single impact would raise an asteroid’s overall temperature very little and that asteroids would cool too quickly between impacts to accumulate much heat. However, these objections assumed that asteroids are dense, solid bodies. A recent discovery that asteroids are highly porous makes Rubin’s hypothesis more plausible. When solid bodies collide, much debris is ejected, dissipating energy. Impacts on porous bodies generate less debris, so more energy goes into producing heat. Heat could be retained as debris fall back into impact craters, creating an insulating blanket.

  1. The passage suggests that one factor that has made it difficult to account for the temperatures once reached by asteroids is

  A. a miscalculation of the frequency of asteroid collisions

  B. a misconception about asteroids’ density

  C. a mistaken assumption about what the heat source of the asteroids was

  D. an un...



新GRE阅读真题 新GRE阅读 GRE阅读真题



  1.1800 Thomas Dilworth’s New Guide to the English Dialogue was being widely used to teach reading in the United States. Dilworth's primer, unlike earlier ones, stressed the importance of children’s understanding what they read. While it is in fact unlikely that children would have recognized all the vocabulary Dilworth used, that was at least his stated goal. Dilworth recognized that primers should enable children to decode words from print with the form of language they already knew: speech. In contrast, many earlier authors assumed that, just as introductory Latin texts taught children an unknown language, introductory English texts should teach English as if it, too, were an unknown language—such their esoteric choice of vocabulary, it in effect became unknown.

  1. According to the passage, the “earlier authors” adopted a model for English instruction that

  A. mirrored the practice used in Latin instruction

  B. was originally formulated by Dilworth

  C. was less esoteric than that adopted by Dilworth

  D. stressed familiarity with the peculiarities of English spelling

  E. emphasized the importance of fluent and articulate speech

  2. The author of the passage would probably agree with which of the following criticisms ...




1. Women’s work has changed considerably in the past 200 years, moving from the household to the office or the factory, and later becoming mostly white-collar instead of blue-collar work.



2. It is frequently assumed that the mechanization of work has a revolutionary effect on the lives of the people who operate the new machines and on the society into which the machines have been introduced.

解析:此句信号语为“that”、“and”、“who”和“which”。It is frequently assumed that为固定搭配,即“通常认为”,我们把that后面的成分理解为主语从句的后置,“it”为形式主语。由“and”可以判断出两个“on”短语为并列结构。由“who”和“which”我们得知“on”短语的宾语又分别包含一个定语从句。


3. It was not the change in office technology, but rather the separation of secretarial work, previously seen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers, from administrative work that in the 1880’s created a new class of “dead-end” jobs, thenceforth considered “women’s work”。

解析:此句信号语为逗号、“but”和“that”。通过逗号,可以清晰地看出句子的几个意群。通过 “that”,则可以明确此句为“it was…that”强调句型。“but”提示我们,在强调句中,强调的成分为“not…but”固定结构,重心在but之后。理出主要脉络之后,可以进一步确认各个修饰成分,如“previously”这个意群为插入语,“thenceforth considered”这个意群修饰“jobs”,起到补充说明的作用。

句意:到了19 世纪80年代,秘书工作——之前被视为刚起步的管理者的学徒训练——则与管理工作相剥离。于是就出现了一类新工作,一种“没前途”的工作,后来被视为“妇女所从事的工作”。这绝非办公技术变化的必然结果。


