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  1.From 1910 to 1913, women suffragists in the United States organized annual parades—activity traditionally conducted by men to proclaim solidarity in some cause—not only as a public expression of suffragist solidarity but also a conscious transgression of the rules of social order: women’s very presence in the streets challenged traditional notions of femininity and restrictions on women’s conduct. While recognizing the parade’s rhetorical force as a vehicle for social change, scholars have recently begun to examine its drawbacks as a form of protest. Lumsden characterizes the American suffrage parade as a “double-edged sword”, arguing that women’s efforts to proclaim their solidarity left them open to patronizing commentary from press and public and to organized opposition from antisuffragists.

  1. It can be inferred from the passage that men’s and women’s parades were similar in that both

  A. were employed as rhetorical vehicles for social change

  B. were regarded as violating contemporary standards of public decorum

  C. made participants vulnerable to organized opposition

  D. were largely ineffective as forms of protest

  E. were intended by their participants as public declarations of solidar...



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  1.According to Hill and Spicer, the term “nation-state” is a misnomer, since the ideal model of a monolingual, culturally homogeneous state has never existed, not even among Europeans, who invented the nation-state concept and introduced it to the rest of the world. Modern European states, they argue, emerged after the Renaissance through the rise of nations (i.e., specific ethnic groups) to positions of political and economic dominance over a number of other ethnic groups within the bounded political territories. The term “nation-state”, Hill and Spicer argue, obscures the internal cultural and linguistic diversity of states that could more accurately be called “conquest states.” The resurgence of multiple ethnic groups within a single state, Hill says, is not “potentially threating to the sovereign jurisdiction of the state,” as Urban and Sherzer suggest; rather, the assertion of cultural differences threatens to reveal ethnocentric beliefs and practices upon which conquest states were historically founded and thus to open up the possibility for a “nations-state” in which conquered ethnic groups enjoy equal rights with the conquering ethnic group but do not face the threat of persecution or cultural assimilation into the dominant ethnic group.

  1. The primary purpose of the passage is to




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  Although vastly popular during its time, much nineteenth-century women’s fiction in the United States went unread by the twentieth-century educated elite, who were taught to ignore it as didactic. However, American literature has a tradition of didacticism going back to its Puritan roots, shifting over time from sermons and poetic transcripts into novels, which proved to be perfect vehicles for conveying social values. In the nineteenth century, critics reviled Poe for neglecting to conclude his stories with pithy moral tags, while Longfellow was canonized for his didactic verse. Although rhetorical changes favoring the anti-didactic can be detected as nineteenth-century American transformed itself into a secular society, it was twentieth-century criticism, which placed aesthetic value above everything else, that had no place in its doctrine for the didacticism of others.

  1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence?

  A. It explains why the fiction mentioned in the first sentence was not popular in the twentieth century.

  B. It assists in drawing a contrast between nineteenth-century and twentieth-century critics.



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  Passage 1

  A divide between aesthetic and technical considerations has played a crucial role in mapmaking and cartographic scholarship. Since nineteenth century cartographers, for instance, understood themselves as technicians who did not care about visual effects, while others saw themselves as landscape painters. That dichotomy structured the discipline of the history of cartography. Until the 1980s, in what Blakemore and Harley called “the Old is Beautiful Paradigm,” scholars largely focused on maps made before 1800, marveling at their beauty and sometimes regretting the decline of the pre-technical age. Early mapmaking was considered art while modern cartography was located within the realm of engineering utility. Alpers, however, has argued that this boundary would have puzzled mapmakers in the seventeenth century, because they considered themselves to be visual engineers.

  1. According to the passage, Alpers would say that the assumptions underlying the “paradigm” were

  A. inconsistent with the way some mapmakers prior to 1800 understand their own work

  B. dependent on a seventeenth-century conception of mapmaking visual engineering

  C. unconcerned with the difference between the aesthetic and technical questions of mapmaking

  D. insensitive to divisions a...

