日前,全球首个VR支付产品“VR Pay”在深圳亮相。VR Pay由阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁金服研发。在虚拟环境中,不管是购物、直播还是游戏,当涉及支付时,用户再也不用取下VR眼镜,拿出手机,打开支付应用付钱。而是可以直接通过触控、凝视、点头等交互方式,在3D虚拟现实中完成支付。有体验者戏称,以后再也别说“剁手”了,有了VR Pay,不用手也能买买买了。
Alibaba's finance arm has shown demonstrated a payment service that will allow virtual reality shoppers to pay for things in future just by nodding their heads.
VR Pay, the new payment system, is part of Alibaba's efforts to capitalise on the latest technology in online shopping.
这项新的支付系统就是VR Pay,是阿里巴巴致力于将最新技术应用到网购中的成果之一。
In 2015, for example, it introduced a facial recognition technology for Alipay mobile payments service advertised as 'pay with a selfie'.
The VR payment technology means people using virtual reality goggles to browse virtual reality shopping malls will be able pay for purchases without taking off the goggles.
They can just nod or look instead.
Lin Feng, who is in charge of Ant Financial's incubator F Lab that has been developing the payment service over the past few months, told Reuters: 'It is very boring to have to take off your goggles for payment.
'With this, you will never need to take out your ph...