美国选民每四年不仅要选举一位总统,而且还要选举四百三十五名国会议员、至少三十三名参议员以及在州一级和基层的许多官员。在竞选的过程中,每个候选人为了当选总是想方设法地抬高自己,贬低别人。他们用的策略之一就是:blame game。
Blame是责怪或指责的意思,game在这里是指策略或手法。Blame game是候选人把造成某些社会问题的责任推到竞选对手身上去的手法,那怕他明明知道这是他自己的责任。下面这位候选人对选民说的话就是个例子:
例句-1: "I'm not going to play the blame game and say who's at fault that so many people are out of work. But I have to tell you my opponent did vote against three bills to create new jobs."
例句-2: "Harry Truman, who was President from 1945 to 1952, was one man who did not play the blame game. He had a sign on his desk: The Buck Stops Here."
和blame game相似的一个俗语是:negative campaigning。Negative是反面的意思,campaigning就是竞选。那么,什么是negative campaigning呢?下面这句话就回答了这个问题:
例句-3: "A listener just called in to ask what I mean by negative campaigning. Well, it means a candidate's main strategy is to tell voters how bad the other guy is instead of talking about how good he is himself."
他说:“一位听众刚才打电话来问什么是negative campaigning。Negative campaigning的意思是一个候选人采用的主要策略是告诉选民他的对手是如何的坏,而不是说自己是如何如何的好。”
例句-4: "Some political observers say that negative campaigning isn't working this ...