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  Most of the time, Tom got turned down when he asks a girl out, or the girl he asked would just make up some excuses and give him the brush off. Some of those girls are butt-ugly, beaten with ugly stick and some are gold-diggerslooking for dirty old man with big money and even one girl agreed to go out with him but ended up standing him up. It was so frustrating for Tom and he thought he was like a twit or lame-o and would end up with an old maid for the rest of his life. Tom was so eager to find a dreamy girl and keep a long term relationship or simply find some random flings that he even got fixed up for blind dates, most of which didn't go quite well. However, last week, hewent out to a bar with a bunch of friends. This place was like a meat marketwith a lot of traffic stoppers. Tom thought this was a perfect place to find aone night stand or a quickie. After a few round of drinks, Tom was kind of out of it and started to scope out these chicks out there and spotted one babe who was on the prowl for a stud. Tom was like a lech and started to check her out. Tom decided it was the time to make the first move and approached her. Though the girl didn't seem like to be easy, however, Tom did a good jobcruising at her during their small talk and the drop dead gorgeous bombshellseemed to have a...


托福阅读范文:What is p53 ?

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  What is p53 ?

  After the identification of the p53 protein and the subsequent cloning of p53 genes from several species, early observations suggested that p53 may function as an oncogene, because overexpression of p53 appeared to cause oncogenic transformation of cells. In the late 1980s, however, several critical discoveries defined the normal function of p53 to be anti-oncogenic. Wild-type p53 genes, when introduced into cells, were found to be growth suppressive. The screening of DNA from colon cancer patients revealed that p53 mutations occur with unusually high frequency in tumor tissue, an observation that was extended to most of the other major forms of human cancer. Indeed, members of Li-Fraumeni cancer-prone families were shown to carry germ-line p53 mutations. The importance of these observations was underscored by the finding that mice that are homozygous null for p53, although developmentally competent, are highly predisposed to tumors.

  The functional character of the p53 protein was determined by experiments showing that p53 contains a strong transcriptional activation domain within its amino terminus and that it is a tetrameric, sequence-specific DNA-biding protein with a defined cognate binding site containing two copies of the 10-mer (5'-RRRCA/TT/AGYYY-3'). Although the p53 protein acts as a transcriptional activator of genes ...



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  A. 有时候生词属于比较专业的词汇,它们的出现不是为了考察考生的词汇量,更多的是检阅大家的应变和判断能力。


  B. 有时候生词的含义可以在上下文中直接得到。









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  Every year on December 25 in the world the majority of Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus day.

  Christmas did not start the church, about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven only. It is said: the first Christmas in the year 138, by the Bishop of Rome, St. Clement held the initiative. The church contains the history of the first Christmas in the year 336 AD. As the next remember not in the Bible when Jesus was born, it is different all over the Christmas period. 440 years until the year before by the Holy See will be in December

  25, for Christmas. Year in 1607, church leaders around the world gathered in Bethlehem, to be further identified, from most parts of the world's Christians are on December 25 for Christmas. In the nineteenth century, the popularity of Christmas cards, Santa Claus, Christmas began to pop up.

  As the Bible records Jesus was born at night, so that the traditional December 24 for the day and night "Christmas" or "Silent Night."




托福阅读范文 网络钟点工


 托福阅读范文 网络钟点工



  Virtual troubleshooters on Chinese online marketplace Taobao now offer more than 3,000 services, ranging from friendly chats to technical assistance, such as modifying pictures and Web design. Prices vary from 1 yuan to 600 yuan.


  在上面的报道中,网络钟点工被意译为virtual troubleshooter,troubleshooter是指“解决麻烦问题的能手”。Virtual troubleshooter很直观地解释了“网络钟点工”这一职业:他们通过网络进行工作,以帮助别人处理麻烦来收取报酬,他们的服务包括帮人 vegeteal(偷菜)、陪人聊天、web design(设计网页)等。网络钟点工跟传统的hourly employee(钟点工)的区别在于工作必须是通过网络完成的。

  Virtual在这里是指“借助计算机或者计算机网络进行的”,类似用法还有virtual conversations(网聊)以及传递心事和秘密的virtual floating bottle(网络漂流瓶)等。

  目前对网络钟点工服务的标准和质量没有明确的衡量标准,很容易产生不必要的纠纷。业内人士提醒交易双方在交易过程中应该尽量保存好双方的chat archive/log(聊天记录)和交易证据。

  随着生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人有意识地花钱找人解决生活中的一些琐事。这种需求催生了很多新兴的职业,如帮人排队的hired queuer(代排族)和帮人在网购中议价的net bargainer(网络议价师)等。







  Geologists have long known that the Earth's mantle is heterogeneous, but its spatial arrangement remains unresolved—is the mantle essentially layered or irregularly heterogeneous? The best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-established fact that volcanic rocks found on oceanic islands, islands believed to result from mantle plumes arising from the lower mantle,are composed of material fundamentally different from that of the midocean ridge system, whose source, most geologists contend, is the upper mantle.Some geologists, however, on the basis of observations concerning mantle xenoliths, argue that the mantle is not layered, but that heterogeneity is created by fluids rich in "incompatible elements" (elements tending toward liquid rather than solid state) percolating upward and transforming portions of the upper mantle irregularly, according to the vagaries of the fluids' pathways. We believe, perhaps unimaginatively, that this debate can be resolved through further study, and that the underexplored midocean ridge system is the key.


  spatial: a.1.空间的,太空的;2.存在(或者发生)于宇宙空间的

  plume: n.1.羽状物2.柱,地柱



  portions: n.一部分


  1.the best evidence for the layered-mantle thesis is the well-esta...



If I had enough money to buy either a house or a business, Idbuya house. A business may succeed or fail. Its also possible Imightchange my mind about what I wanted to do in business.However, ahome is a lifetime gift to myself.

center now Im in a small apartment, with barely enough roomforeverything. All my furniture and the things Ive accumulatedsinceI center college barely fit. I have almost no closet spacecenter. Thismeans my clothes are always wrinkled because theyrecrushedtogether. I dont have anyplace to put my cleaning supplies,norroom for more than one set of sheets and towels. A new housewouldmean a lot more room for all these things.
I love having plants around. Its very healthy for the airinsideand its cheerful to have living things growing in a room.centernow I have plants sitting on tables. This is the best I cando inan apartment. Id like to have a garden instead. That way Icouldgrow a lot of different kinds of plants and flowers, and Icouldhave a vegetable garden in the summer.
Besides having a garden, Id like to have a backyard with lotsoftrees and a small fountain in the corner. I love watching birdsandlistening to them sing. On the windowsill of my apartment, Iputout bird seed every morning. In the hot weather, I put outashallow tin plate with water in it for the birds. The trees andthefo
untain in my backyard would give me pleasure, but theydreallybe for the birds. The trees would give them a place to nest,...

