



  If you're one of the legions of slim, fit and healthy people whose BMI (Body Mass Index) makes them ‘technically' overweight, this story will be music to your ears. A new test is about to launch - called the ABSI.


  BMI is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in metres) squared. It has been widely criticised for years.


  ‘The BMI is flawed because it doesn't take into account where you carry fat or how muscularyou are,' says Sue Baic, a dietician from Bristol University. ‘A woman with a fat stomach, thickwaist and skinny arms and legs could be deemed a healthy weight - yet people who carry fat around their mid-section are more at risk of heart disease, diabetes and even certain cancers.'

  来自布里斯托大学的营养学家Sue Baic表示,“BMI指数是有缺陷的,因为它没有办法说明人体内有多少脂肪或多少肌肉。比方说,一名女性她肚子肥大却四肢纤细,而她的BMI指数有可能显示的就是健康。然而,腰腹部肥胖的人群患心脏病、糖尿病和某些癌症的危险性更大。”

  To calculate your ABSI you take your waist measurement (in centimetres) and divide that by the square root of your height (in centimetres) multiplied by the square of the cube-root of your BMI.


  ‘It's a very complicated formula!' says Sue. ‘But...






  Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance.

  Being overweight is not just bad for waistlines but for brains too, say researchers who have linked obesity to declining mental performance.

  Experts are not sure why this might be, but say metabolic changes such as high blood sugar and raised cholesterol are likely to be involved.

  Obesity has already been tipped as a risk factor for dementia.

  The work, published in Neurology, tracked the health of more than 6,000 British people over a decade.

  The participants, who were aged between 35 and 55, took tests on memory and other cognitive skills three times over a 10-year period.

  People who were both obese and who had unhealthy metabolic changes showed a much faster decline on their cognitive test scores compared to others in the study.

  Delving deeper

  The experts stress that they only looked at cognitive function, not dementia.

  The boundary between normal ageing, mild cognitive impairment and de...





  我们描述某个地方特别安静的时候,通常会说“安静得连针掉到地上的声音都能听到”。英语中也用类似的表达。如果说某个地方,尤指办公室,特别安静,我们就可以说这地方有pin-drop syndrome(过度安静综合症)。

  Pin-drop syndrome describes extreme quietness in an office, which leads to worker stress because the significance of even the smallest noises is magnified.

  Pin-drop syndrome(字面意思为“掉针综合症”)描述的是办公室内极度安静的状况,在此状况下,员工感受到的压力可能会更大,因为任何微小的声音都有可能被放大。由此,pin-drop syndrome也可译为“过度安静综合症”。

  According to the experts, too-quiet offices are a growing problem. Almost complete silence in office is unhealthily stressful. It may make workers feel lonely and, on the rare occasions when the silence was shattered by the telephone, all the workers would down pens to eavesdrop on the conversation.








  流行品牌Models Own两年前推出一款名称为“淘金潮”(Gold Rush)的金黄色指甲油,要价13万美元,且宣称是“全世界最昂贵的指甲油”,受到媒体瞩目。



  The most expensive nail polish in the world has been unveiled.

  Containing 267-carats of black diamonds, the tiny bottle of varnish, by Los Angeles-based luxury jeweler Azature, has been priced at $250,000 (157万元).

  Models Own, a British company, released a Gold Rush Couture nail polish last year. The product, which contained 1,118 diamonds, was priced at $132, 800 (84万元), which set a new record for the most expensive nail polish in the world.

  It also featured a hand-crafted lid made from yellow gold.

  Just last month, beauty fans showed their passion for nail polish by taking to the auction site eBay in order to purchase the almost impossible-to-get Black Spotted polish by OPI.

  Because it only sells in France, French owners of the product are able to price the varnish for up to $70 (440 元) per bottle.







  Australia may have been trounced by Britain at the Olympics but its dejected sports stars can take some comfort from the fact that their cities have been judged far better places to live.

  Melbourne is the best city in the world to live in while Sydney, Adelaide and Perth also make the top 10 and Brisbane comes in at number 20, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit global “liveability” study.

  By contrast there is not a single British city in the top 50. London, basking in the afterglow of the hugely successful Games that saw Team GB reach third place in the medal table, is judged to be just the 55th most desirable place to live in the world and has fallen in the rankings after last summer’s riots.

  Manchester remains Britain’s best city according to the study, which looks at crime levels, education, health care, culture and infrastructure, but it also dropped points to reach number 51 following the widespread looting and disorder that reached its shopping centres last August.

  The EIU first began ranking cities to test whether or not companies should pay staff a hardship allowance if they make employees relocate to a different country.

  Its researchers look at how “tolerable” it is to live in a particular place given its crime levels, threat of conflict, quality of medical care, levels of censorship, temperature, schools...



英国 考试 工作
 Vicky Tuck: 'I believe women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning'.

  Young women are losing faith in the university system with nearly half believing it is not worth getting a degree.

  Tuition fees and little chance of landinga good job make higher education an unattractive prospect for them, a study suggests.

  It found that nearly half of female graduates would not go to university if they had the chance again.

  The research will cause concern because it was carried out before the Government announced that fees will almost treble to ā9,000 in 2012.

  The findings have prompted warnings that a generation of ambitious young women will miss out on a high-flyingcareer and the opportunity to continue their education.

  Louise Court, editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, which conducted the survey, said young women seem to think university ‘a waste of time’.

  ‘It’s never been harder to be a young woman with ambition,’ she said. ‘Understandably, women are angry and frustrated about their future and this is having a damaging affect on their self-esteem.

  The survey of 1,353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in 2011.

  Two thirds of those questioned said they thought it would be ‘almost impossible’ to get their dream job and a ...





  Humans are overusing the planet's resources and will need two Earths by 2030,a new report warns.


  According to the Report, human demands on natural resources have doubled in under 50 years and are now outstripping what the Earth can provide by more than half; and humanity carries on as it is in use of resources, globally it will need the capacity of two Earths by 2030.


  Wildlife in tropical countries is also under huge pressure, with populations of species falling by 60 per cent in three decades.


  And the report, from the WWF, the Zoological Society of London and the Global Footprint Network, said that British people are still consuming far more than the Earth can cope with.


  If everyone lived such a lifestyle, humans would need 2.75 planets to survive.


  The study's authors look...

