

托福 托福词汇 托福词汇必备


  geology 地质学

  geologist 地质学家

  crust 地壳

  mantle 地幔

  core 地核

  continental crust 大陆地壳

  oceanic crust 海洋地壳

  layer (stratum,复数strata) 地层

  plate 板块

  fault 断层

  fault plane 断层面

  fault zone 断层带

  rift (crack; split) 断裂

  disintegration (decomposition) 分解

  erosion 腐蚀

  fossil 化石

  igneous rock 火成岩

  sedimentary rock 沉积岩

  metamorphic rock 变质岩

  quartz 石英

  limestone 石灰岩

  marble 大理石

  granite 花岗岩

  lithogenous 岩成的

  lithosphere 岩石圈

  magma 岩浆

  mineral 矿物

  ore 矿石

  deposit 矿床

  platinum 白金,铂

  silver 银

  copper 黄铜

  aluminum 铝

  tin 锡

  lead 铅

  zinc 锌

  nickel 镍

  mercury 汞,水银

  sodium 钠

  gem 宝石

  diamond 钻石

  emerald 绿宝石

  ruby 红宝石

  glacier 冰川

  glacial 冰川的

  glacial epoch ( age, period) 冰川期

  glacial drift 冰渍

  iceberg 冰山

  volcano 火山

  active volcano 活火山

  extinct volcano 死火山

  dormant volcano 休眠火山

  eruption 火山喷发

  crater 火山口

  lava 火山岩浆

  volcanic 火山的

  volcanic dust 火山尘

  volcanic ash 火山灰




托福 托福词汇 托福词汇必备


  astronomy天文 天文学

  astronomical 天文的

  astronomical observatory 天文台

  astronomer 天文学家

  astrophysics 天文物理学

  astrology 占星学

  pseudoscience 伪科学

  cosmos(universe) 宇宙

  cosmology 宇宙学

  infinite 无限的

  cosmic 宇宙的

  cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射

  cosmic rays 宇宙射线

  celestial 天的

  celestial body (heavenly body) 天体

  celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图

  celestial sphere 天球

  dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星

  quasar 类星体,类星射电源

  constellation 星座

  galaxy (Milky Way) 银河系

  cluster 星团

  solar system 太阳系

  solar corona 日冕

  solar eclipse 日食

  solar radiation 太阳辐射

  planet 行星

  planetoid (asteroid) 小行星

  revolve 旋转,绕转

  twinkle 闪烁

  naked eye 肉眼

  Mercury 水星

  Venus 金星

  Earth 地球

  Mars 火星

  Jupiter 木星

  Saturn 土星

  Uranus 天王星

  Neptune 海王星

  Pluto 冥王星

  orbit 轨道

  spin 旋转

  satellite 卫星

  lunar 月球的

  meteor 流星

  meteor shower 流星雨

  meteoroid 流星体

  meteorite 陨石

  comet 彗星

  space (outer space) 太空,外层空间

  spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船

  spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员

  space suit 宇航服,航天服

  space shuttle 航天飞机




英语托福 托福词汇 托福词汇必备


  labour along 缓慢而费力地前进

  for lack of 因缺乏;因没有

  have no lack of 不缺乏

  at large 完全地;详尽地

  at last 最终,终于

  at the latest 最迟,至迟

  early and late 从早到晚

  no later than 不迟于…

  laugh at 因…而发笑;嘲笑

  laugh off 用笑摆脱(困境等)

  laugh over 笑着谈论

  launch out (船)下水;开始新事情

  lay aside 把…放在一边;储存

  lay down 放下;铺设(铁路)

  lay off 停止;(临时)解雇

  lay out 花费;布置;摆开

  lay over 涂,覆盖;压倒

  lay up 贮存,储蓄;暂停使用

  lead to 通向,导致;引起

  lead up to 把…一直带领到;导致

  take the lead 为首,领先

  learn from 学习,向…学习

  learn of 听到;获悉…的事

  learn off 记熟,背下来

  at least 至少,最低限度

  in the least 一点(也不),丝毫(不)

  leave alone 不管,不理会;不打扰

  leave behind 丢弃;留下;忘记携带

  leave off (使)停止;停下来

  leave out 忽略,遗漏;省略

  take leave of 向…告别

  at length 最后,终于

  go to great lengths 竭尽全力

  no less than 和…一样,不少于…

  none the less (尽管…)仍然

  let alone 不干涉;不碰

  let down 放下;降低;使…失望

  let go 放开;释放;发射

  let in 让…进入;放…出来

  let off 放(炮);开(枪);宽恕

  let out 放掉(水等),发出

  let up 减小;(雨等)渐渐停止

  on a level with 和…同一水准

  lie down 躺下;(故意)躺下不干

  lie in 在于;分娩;睡懒觉

  lie on 依赖;压迫;折磨(人)

  lie over 等待以后处理

  lie up 卧床;(船)入坞

  in l...



托福词汇 托福词汇考试 托福词汇必备习语



  1,a change of pace 节奏变换

  You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace.

  2, a far cry from 相距甚远

  The published book is far cry from the early manuscript.

  3, and how 的确

  A: She’s a good dancer.

  B: and how.

  4, a matter of time 时间问题

  It is only a matter of time.

  5, a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。

  If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away.

  6, a while back 不久以前

  7,all along 一直

  I knew it all along.

  8, anything but 绝对不

  I was anything but happy about going.

  9, account for 解释

  How do you account for it?

  10, after all 到底

  A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine,

  B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all.

  11, allergic to 对|……过敏

  Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something.

  12, at sb’s service 愿为某人服务

  I am at your service at any time.

  13, around the clock 24 小时不停

  Martha studied around the clock for management exam.

  14, as far as I know 就我所知

  15,at home with 对…..很熟悉

  She is at home with problems like this.

  16, back out

  1) ...

