2021年10月30日托福考试真题预测 | |
1 | 2021年10月30日托福听力考试真题预测 |
2 | 托福2021年10月30日口语考试真题预测 |
3 | 2021年10月30日托福阅读考试词汇预测 |
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2021年10月30日托福考试真题预测 | |
1 | 2021年10月30日托福听力考试真题预测 |
2 | 托福2021年10月30日口语考试真题预测 |
3 | 2021年10月30日托福阅读考试词汇预测 |
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1、Some teachers let students choose topics that interest them on research papers. Others assign topics on research papers. Which one do you prefer?
2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should be required to participate in class discussions.
3、Some people think that college degree is important for people to have a good career. Others believe that college education is not important. Which do you agree with?
4、Which one would you prefer? Go to a college in your hometown or go to a university in a new town?
5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is acceptable to disagree with instructors.
6、Do you think graduate students should teach some basic courses or only be assistants to professors?
7、Some people prefer to organize activities. Others prefer to attend activities. Which do you prefer?
8、Your university decides to limit the number of clubs and organizations each student is allowed to attend in order for them to focus more on their academic study. Do you think this is a good idea or not?
9、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should learn independent living skills at an early age.
10、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 18 y...
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Drivers should pay a fee for driving in busy city streets when there is the greatest heavy traffic.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television programs should present stories that good people should be rewarded and bad people should be punished.
3. Some people believe that children from 5 to 10 should take one hour-long class and then have a rest or play some games, while others say that they should take longer classes and have a full rest at noon to increase the time they can focus. Which one do you prefer.
4. People are required to give feedback about classmates in school or colleagues at work. Someone would like to give positive feedback first and then give negative feedback, while others would like to give negative feedback and then give positive feedback. Which one would you prefer?
5. What is the most effective action for individuals to improve environment?
1)Walking and bicycling instead of driving private cars to work or school;
2)Recycling or reusing objects instead of throwing them in trash;
3)Buying locally grown organic products.
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rapid growth of a city has mainly positi...
2021年9月5日托福考试真题预测 | |
1 | 2021年9月5日托福口语考试的真题预测 |
2 | 2021年9月5日托福写作考试的真题预测 |
留学群整理 |
1. 正确审题,论点明确
1、When there is a new technological device is available,some people will buy it immediately,while others will wait until many others have adopted it. Which view do you agree more?
2、It’s much easier for parents to raise children than 50 years ago.
3、If you need to take a course, which professor's course would you like to take? A. a professor who was voted the most popular a professor who has just won an award for an outstanding research.
4、 If you need to take a course, which professor's course would you like to take? 1.a professor who was voted the most popular 2.a professor who has just won an award for an outstanding research .
5、If you are required to give feedbacks about your classmates/colleagues, would you like to give positive comments or negative comments first?
6、Which way do you think is better when choosing an interesting job? A. Ask as many friends as possible both in person and through social media. B. Sending letters introducing yourself. C. Looking for job advertisement.
7、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problem affecting society can be solved in your lifetime.
8、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Raising the price of gasoline and electricity is the only ...
1、Imagine that you need to take a course next semester and must decide between two professors to take it with. The first professor is very interesting but has a strict grading policy. The second professor is boring, but has an easy grading policy. Which professor would you prefer to take the course with? Explain why.
2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Happiness comes from helping others rather than helping yourself. Use reasons and examples to explain your opinion.
3、Some teachers have an informal style and treat their students almost like friends. Other teachers have a more formal style and keep a professional distance from students. Which teaching style do you think is better for learning? Explain why.
4、Some recent university graduates choose to spend a period of time doing volunteer work of community service before they start their careers. Others think it is better to start working as soon as possible after graduation. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People perform better when they are under some stress or pressure. The theory is that when people are under stress, they tend to have a clearer motivation about their goals. Use d...
2019年9月1号托福考试预测 | |
1 | 2019年9月1日托福听力考试预测 |
2 | 2019年9月1日托福口语考试预测 |
3 | 2019年9月1号托福阅读考试预测 |
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感谢权威老师的点评 | ||
1、 各个年度新题属于高频重复考察对象。 2、 多次重复考查的题目依然会再次考查,比如说第三篇物种灭绝的文章,在2017年10月15日和2017年11月12日已被重复考过两次。 3、 已被多次重复考查的题目,同学们一定要注意,一定会再次被重复考查,只是时间的问题。 | ||
Passage one | 学科分类 | 题目 |
社会科学 | Extended Family | |
内容回忆 | 开头段描述工业革命前是extended family,工业革命后因为工作压力增大,转变为nuclear family,更加符合当时的社会情况,然后后面几段说了这种小家庭单元的优势,之后转折,专家认为正是因为工业革命,所以发展成为了extended family,这与刚开始的认为的情况相反,为了论证这一事实,举了一下数据的例子,比如人们依然会花时间去维持家庭成员间的关系,当遇到生病啊等特殊情况,父母和家人永远是最主要的依靠对象只要有联系,就依然可以从他们中得到精神上的支持 | |
参考阅读 | TPO26 Ener... |
权威点评 | ||
本次考试中 task1与2017.12.10 task2 Do you agree or disagree that it is harder to save money than it was in the past这道题重复。独立口语的话总体来看没有很难,跟日常生活关系比较密切。而综合口语部分task3,5题材料的结构比较常规,而4,6题上面出的话题稍难一点,会给学员在记忆所给信息上带来一点困难,从而影响作答。 | ||
Task1 | ||
考题回忆 | Why do you think the biggest challenge is that people are not able to save money? How to solve the problem? | |
话题分类 | 人物 | |
解题思路 | 这道题首先从答题结构上来说中间的两个分论点其实题目已经给我们定好了,第一个分论点说难省钱的原因,比如买一些大型商品 the real estate, jewelry, private car or luxury需要耗费大量的钱,因此人们的钱都花在了这些方面,不能省下来,或者说利用credit card consumption这样的提前消费较多,特别是在一些大型线上活动,淘宝京东等的shopping festival会集中购买较多物品,从而导致后面很多时候都在pay the debt,因而不能省下钱。 第二个论点段就说如何解决省钱难的问题,比如进行rational consumption, unnecessary的commodity 如luxury,apartment not to live in 就不要purchase,在shopping festival时只买目前需要的goods. | |
参考范文 | With the development of economy, the average s... |
Marsupial 和 placenta 哪种更适应环境?
marsupial 的幼崽joeys,没完全发育就出生,导致需要装在pouch里面,vulnerable,抵抗能力差,而placental 的幼崽生下来就完全发育了,比较高级
marsupial 不能有效的控制其体温,这是其不足之处,不如placental高级
M生出来以后,organ continue to develop, mother's milk protect them from infection
M control tem, they lower tem on purpose, 这样可以less energy, less food
M 和 P一起生活在澳大利亚,但现在只有M,所以M在竞争中获胜。说明M比P更适应环境