

托福口语 托福口语题目 托福独立题目



  Which one is the best way to know more about a city? Attend a tour group, visit a local history museum, or walk in the street?


  这个题让我们来选择会如何深入了解一个城市:加入旅行团,参观当地的历史博物馆,还是在大街上走路。那我们选用刚才说过的方法进行论证。如果选定最后一种方式:walk in the street,那我们就可以说一下走路了解城市的好处。在街道上走路首先能够让我们有一个好心情,就可以说在林荫道上漫步,这是很舒服很享受的~ 此外,还可以通过走路得到第一手信息,了解这个城市里的店铺、方位什么的。整理之后,我们就可以得到自己的答案啦~


  I'd prefer to walk along the streets to know more about a city because it is quite free for me to learn about the local flavor. I can just walk out, choose a well shaded path that I like and wander around. Such experience is very enjoyable for me and this kind of first-hand experience cannot be replaced by any other form listed above. Moreover, trying to tour around is really helpful for me to know the new city well faster and help boost my sense of direction. Once, I decided to walk home every day after work. About one month later, I can identify the exact place of every little barbershop and grocery, let alone the fantastic shopping mall.

