托福独立写作结尾模板一: 重申立场+反问句
例如:托福写作题目:Some people like to live in a small town, while others like to live in a large city. If you had a choice, where would you like to live?
我方立场:I would like to live in a big city.
托福独立写作结尾: Although a growing number of serenity-seekers regard the smaller community as their dream homeland, I still opt for the metropolis for its convenience and dynamic life. When it comes to living, how can one possibly deny that the purpose of life is to explore new things that small towns fail to offer?
解析:这个结尾采用了重申立场+反问句的写法,很大气。“尽管越来越多寻找宁静的都市人把小城市视作自己的梦想家园,但我仍然觉得大城市更胜一筹。当谈到生活,谁能否认生活的目的不就是探索新的东西吗?而这一切都是小城市无法给与 的。“ 反问句写的是反方立场的弱点,这其实在内容和Plan B是相同的,只不过用的反问句来加强语气。
例如:托福写作题目:When people go on a trip, some like to go with a friend while others like to go alone. Which do you prefer?
我方立场: I would rather to travel with a friend.
托福独立写作结尾: Taking all of the factor...