第三遍,放完整句音频,理解句子的完整意思 。
1、So, as a way of repairing some of that damage, /a group of conservation biologists has proposed an ambitious, or some might say, a radical plan, /involving large vertebrates, or ,megafauna.
as 作为
conservation 保护; ambitious有野心的; radical 激进的; vertebrate脊椎动物;megafauna巨型动物
2、One is to help prevent the extinction of some endangered megafauna /by providing new refuges, new habitats for them.
help do sth. 帮助……
provide sth. for sb. 为…提供…
3、We believe it played a pivotal role in the evolution of the pronghorn antelope, /the antelope’s amazing speed, to be exact,/ because natural selection would favor those antelope that could outrun a cheetah.
play a role in(doing)sth. 在某事中起某种作用
to be exact 准确来说
4、A big worry is that these transplanted megafauna might devastate plants and animals /that are native to the western United States.
transplanted 移植的;devastate破坏; native 当地的,本土的
5、Also, animal species that w...