What is the professor’s attitudetoward……?
What is the professor’s opinionof ……?
What can be inferred about thestudent when she says this(reply)?
What does the woman mean when shesays this(reply)?
l 惊讶,常见信号词有Really, I couldn’t believe……,Gee! Jesus! My dear! Boy! Jesus Christ! Man! Oh, myGod! Gosh! Oh, my! What! Dear me!等;
2 支持/赞扬,常见信号词有great, that’s exactly what I mean, Fabulous; Magnificent; Glamorous; Excellent;Terrific; Awesome; Amazing; Fantastic; Incredible; Outstanding; Superb;Charming; Good job等;
3 反对,常见信号词有think carefully, critically, but, toobad, it’s a good ……,but……等;
4 委婉拒绝,常见信号词有Sounds great, but/ Sounds like fun, but/ that’stempting, but/ I wish I could, but/ I’d love to, but/ I’d really like to, but/I would (if I could), but/ I meant to, but/ I have been meaning to (dosomething), but/ I should have, but…等;
l5可惜,常见信号词有what a shame/ that’stoo bad./ I’m ...