Listen to a conversation between two students
(woman) Hey, Matt, how’s it going?
(man) Uh, so so. I’ve got a problem with my housing next semester and I have to make a decision soon.
(woman) What’s going on?
(man) Well, I lived in the dormitory, and I’ve got a great roommate for the last two year, but he’s moving off campus next semester.
(woman) Oh! So?
(man) So now I have to make a big decision. You know, about my living arrangements.
(woman) Well, couldn’t you just get a new roommate? Doesn’t the university automatically assign someone to take his place?
(man) Yeah, they do. The thing is, I am concerned about sharing a room with somebody new. There could be problems, like, what if he wanted to go to sleep at ten o’clock? I am used to studying late at night and that would throw off my whole study schedule.
(woman) I guess that’s possible. But it is convenient to be on campus, easy to get to class and all. What else could you do?
(man) Well, My roommate found a house off campus with some other friends and there’s another bedroom available. I could have it, but I have to let them know by the end of the week.
(woman) A house sounds like a good ...