

托福考试 托福预测 托福机经


  1. Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know Italian culture,

  1. Watching Italian movies

  2. Learning Italian cooking

  3. Attending Italian

  lectures or history classes

  Well, I do admit that watching movies and learning cooking really help in getting to know a nation’s culture, like if you learn how to make dumplings, you get the chance to know Chinese culinary culture and the dumplings’symbolic meaning in

  Chinese people’s life. But in my opinion, the best and fastest way to know the Italian culture is still to attend Italian lectures or history reason is that with the

  lecturer’s professional illustration and well-designed classes, you get the chance to learn Italian culture in a more academic and systematic way.

  2. Which kind of method will you use to solve the misunderstanding between you and your friend? Use examples and details to support your idea.I always solve the misunderstanding through one way: communication. If we don’t try on other’s shoes when the conflict comes out, we would see the problem only by our limited perspective. For instance, once I quarreled with my roommates

  because she didn’t pick up my call the other day. Then she realized my anger but gave me no response. We didn’t talk to each other for two days. Then after an open communication did I reali...



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  1. Do you think it’s a good idea for university to ask a student to leave school if he was caught cheating in exams? Explain your response in details. I don’t think the university should force the student leave school if he or she was caught cheating. Firstly, it is human beings’ nature to find shortcuts and most of us may have done this kind of staff once or twice in the whole life. Frankly speaking, people should be given the second chance to realize their errors and make it up later, especially university students. I think there are some better ways to deal with cheating like giving the student a warning or require him/her to have a make-up exam or retake the course.

  2. Talk about the advantages of moving to a new place to study or e are numerous benefits one can get by working and studying in a new t, living in new place enables me to experience a new living style and meet more interesting people, For example, when I first went to Beijing, I was very surprised by people for their hospitality and straightforwardness. For example, when facing a stranger in trouble, they will offer their help without hesitation. They will point out your mistakes directly even they are not so familiar with you, which is very different from those people in Southern China. Second, you are also more likely to be exposed to a new local culture, which might be total...



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  题目:Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Others prefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.

  2、考题出现时间:2016-11-26CN 加场

  题目:Do you agree or disagree? It is important to live close to your families. Please use examples and explanations to support your position.


  题目:Some people prefer to listen to or watch news every day, while others prefer to listen to or watch news occasionally. Which way do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


  题目:Some people prefer to plan for future, some people prefer to concentrate on the present and not plan at all.



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  S1 If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your community,which of the following people will you choose?

  nessman essor st

  Give detailed information to support your answer and explain why.

  S1 Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in?

  1. Pottery making

  2. Writing

  3. Art creation

  Choose one and explain why.

  S1 Among the following jobs, which do you is most interesting one and why?

  1. airplane pilot

  2. actor

  3. detective

  S1 In order to protect the environment, nowadays governments encourages people to use recycled bags, and charge for plastic bags. What are the benefits of doing so?

  S2 You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s h will you choose?

  S2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few rs prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands ofemployees. Which do you think is better?





托福考试 托福口语 托福预测


  Task 1

  ege students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.

   of your friends is usually exhausted for his work. What suggestions will you give to him if he wants to cultivate some personal interests?

   someone is visiting your country, what food will you introduce to the visitor and why? Please include specific examples anddetails in your explanation.

  ol is planning to forbid the use of cell-phone on campus. What do you think are the effects of the policy?

   you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal shelter

   do you think we should do to reduce the use of cars or other vehicles in order solve the traffic problems? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  h of the following is the best way to learn about a city: to join an organized trip; to visit the museums; to take walks in the streets of its...



托福考试 托福机经 托福考试预测



  Task 1

  ege students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation.

  of your friends is usually exhausted for his work. What suggestions will you give to him if he wants to cultivate some personal interests?

  someone is visiting your country, what food will you introduce to the visitor and why? Please include specific examples anddetails in your explanation.

  ol is planning to forbid the use of cell-phone on campus. What do you think are the effects of the policy?

  you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal shelter

  do you think we should do to reduce the use of cars or other vehicles in order solve the traffic problems? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  h of the following is the best way to learn about a city: to join an organized trip; to visit the museums; to take walks in the streets of its cities?

  ribe one or two ways your life may change five years from now. Please include specific reasons and details in your response.

  advantages and disadvantages or the fast food.

  h of the following inventions do you think...



托福考试 托福口语 托福口语预测



  170625 CN (new)

  S1 If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your community,which of the following people will you choose?

  1.businessman 2.professor 3.artist

  Give detailed information to support your answer and explain why.

  170702 CN

  S1 Which of the following creative activities do you feel like to get involved in?

  1. Pottery making

  2. Writing

  3. Art creation

  Choose one and explain why.

  170708 CN

  S1 Among the following jobs, which do you is most interesting one and why?

  1. airplane pilot

  2. actor

  3. detective


  S1 In order to protect the environment, nowadays governments encourages people touse recycled bags, and charge for plastic bags. What are the benefits of doing so?

  170527 CN

  S2 You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s sleep.Which will you choose?

  170114 CN

  S2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers.Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with tho...



托福考试 托福口语 托福预测


  托福综合口语 Integrated Speaking 共120题

  第1题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Time Conflict 属性:核心预测




  【听力】问题:The woman has to conduct an interview for business class, and then write an essay on the process of starting business, but the interviewer who agreed to do the interview as a last minute business meeting that he has to go out of the town for the weekends. 解决方案1:The man suggested that she do the interview next week. 优点1:She could still do an okay job, may be not a great one. 缺点1:She will be left with only a few days to write up the paper because it is due next week. 解决方案2:Professor offer a list of business owners for student, she can find someone else to interview. 优点2:She could easily find a business owner. 缺点2:She is interested in healthy food industries, the person she was supposed to interview owns a healthy-food magazine, now she has to find people working in other fields.

  第2题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Dilemma Choice 属性:核心预测




  【听力】问题:Jenny 暑假必须参加一门生物课程才能毕业。但同时她已经许诺帮助姐姐这个暑假照料她的孩子。解决方案1:可以两者都做优点1:可以上午照看孩子,下午上课;同时可以免费住在姐姐那里缺点1:压力会比较大。来回走比较费时,晚上还有作业。解决方案2:可以在学校附近租房子上学优点2:可以专心完成学业;课程只需6周,剩下的时间帮助姐姐缺点2:会让姐姐失望

  第3题 来源:大陆 话题分类:Course-Choosing 属性:核心预测




  【听力】问题:the girl has a time confliction between her tutor...



托福口语 托福机经 托福预测



  1What do you think is the best way for the tourists to know a city?

  Taking an organized tour

  Visiting the museums in the city

  Walking down the city streets

  Please give specific reasons and details to support your idea.

  2Talk about the biggest change in your country over the past twenty years. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

  3Talk about a popular actor, musician, or artist whose work you do not admire. Explain with details.

  4Your friend always feels nervous when speaking in front of a large group of people. What suggestions would you give to your friend to overcome this fear?

  5Teaching is a challenging profession. Even the best teacher can make mistakes. What are the common mistakes a teacher can make?

  6Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. D...



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