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  Engage: Project-Based Learning

  Students go beyond the textbook to study complex topics based on real-world issues, such as the water quality in their communities or the history of their town, analyzing information from multiple sources, including the Internet and interviews with experts. Project-based class work is more demanding than traditional book-based instruction, where students may just memorize facts from a single source. Instead, students utilize original documents and data, mastering principles covered in traditional courses but learning them in more meaningful ways. Projects can last weeks; multiple projects can cover entire courses. Student work is presented to audiencesbeyond the teacher, including parents and community groups.

  Reality Check: At the Clear View Charter School, in Chula Vista, California, fourth- and fifth-grade students collected insect specimens, studied themunder an electron microscope via a fiber-optic link to a nearby university, used Internet resources for their reports, and discussed their findings with university entomologists.


  go beyond the textbook : 超越课本

  real-world issues :现实世界的问题

  presented s/th to the audiences :向观众展示

  traditional book-based instruction :传统书本教学

  is more demanding than :比另外一件事情更费力



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  The recent 2015 MTV Video Music Awards event was notable – not for the recognition of award recipients, but for the public spat between host Miley Cyrus and hip-hop artist Nicki Minaj.

  Whether real or staged, the hurling of insults and aggressive behavior dominated mainstream press coverage of the ceremony surely much to the delight of MTV.

  Both Minaj and Cyrus are known for courting controversy and have been criticized for being “bad” role models for young people, particularly girls and young women. But what if the mainstream media considered that young people actually use incidents such as this and celebrity culture in a wider sense in a whole host of complex ways to negotiate their identities?

  A well-publicized survey of UK parents with children under ten years old voted both Cyrus and Minaj as the worst role models for their daughters. This came even before the recent spat.

  The dislike of Minaj and Cyrus appears to be centered on their penchant for dressing provocatively and being outspoken about their sexuality. In predictable contrast, the Duchess of Cambridge was considered the most positive influence on young girls. The worst male offenders were musicians and performers Kanye West, Justin Bieber and former One Direction band member Zayn Malik.

  Obsessed with celebrity




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  5. Get over a break up:

  It may sound clichéd though but hey, it isn’t clichéd for nothing! It has been proven time and again that watching your favorite romantic movies with your favorite ice-cream or wine is a great way to get over your broken heart. You must have seen such scenes over and over again in movies and you know it’s indeed true! The movietakes your mind off him, you sob in the beginning but gradually the movie is able to heal you and you are ready for another shot at love.

  4. Time pass:

  Imagine you are home all alone with nothing to do. Chatting on phone or Facebookcould be an option but there is a limit to it. What do you do then with no friends around and hardly any place to go? Simple – watch a movie. Watching movie is indeed a great passtime. You have the company of some of the funniest, dangerous and beautiful people in the world acting out interesting plots for you. What more could you ask for?

  3. Cinetherapy:

  It is an interesting approach to treating patients with depression, mood disorders and the likes. They say a picture speaks a thousand words. So imagine what a movie which is an amalgamation of thousands of pictures along with dialogues and musiccan do for such a person? It is still at a very nas...

