In a time when education is increasingly expensive, public libraries, often called ‘the people’s university’, provide information and educational opportunities at no cost for all people, regardless of their age, skill level or socio-economic status. The American Library Association’s ‘Let’s Talk about It’ program is a wonderful example of a scholar-facilitated learning opportunity in public libraries. In this program, some nationally known scholars select a common series of books and help the public explore the theme of these books through the lens of humanity, particularly their relations to other works of literature and philosophical thoughts. In addition, it is public libraries that present classes and discussion programs, and with the help of new media, some libraries even provide online continuing education courses to the public.、
① regardless of 不管
✎ It takes extremely hard work for athletes to make it to the top of their professions, regardless of their age and gender.
② relation to 与…的关系
=connection to
✎ One’s relation to their extended family is not as important as it was before due to the unprecedented advancement of modern society.
③ It is … that … 正是,强调句型结构