

托福作文备考自资料 托福作文 托福考试



  (1) Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you thinkthat daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and detailsto support your answer.

  (2) 是否要在繁忙时间对繁忙路段课税

  (3) Agree or disagree: Most people often let others make decisions forthem rather thanmake decisions by themselves.

  (4) speaking important or writing important?

  (5) 看电视比看书学的多

  (6) Because people are too busy doing many things,they can do few thingswell.

  (7) intoday’s world, the ability to cooperate well with others is moreimportant than before.Agree or not

  (8) 老师给学生自信比教专门知识更重要

  (9) 你喜欢看严肃题材的电影还是商业题材的电影?

  (10) 电影和电视[movies and television]对年轻人的行为方式[the way youngpeoplebehavior]主要是消极的影响。给出理由。

  (11) there are so many events happening everyday in the world, we don’thave to know

  (12) It is better to spend money on something that lasts for a longtime, such as an expensive piece of jewelry or spend on something that providesa short-term pleasure such asa vacation?

  (13) 教师是否应该获得跟doctors, lawyers, business leaders一样的收入

  (14) years from now, people will have more leisure time

  (15) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents findit hard to controltheir children for the children are now influenced by manythings outside home l...

