( 2015年 Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension Part A Text2 第7段第3句)
Orin Kerr, a law professor, compares the explosion and accessibility of digital information in the 21st century with the establishment of automobile use as a virtual necessity of life in the 20th: The justices had to specify novel rules for the new personal domain of the passenger car then they must sort out how the Fourth Amendment applies to digital information now.
分析:本句的成分相对复杂,是由冒号连接的并列复合句。冒号前的基本结构为:Orin Kerr…compares…with…。a law professor是Orin Kerr的同位语,说明其身份compares…with…结构连接了两个并列的名词性短语the explosion and accessibility…21st century和the establishment …20th。冒号后是由分号连接的两个并列分句第一个分句的主干为The justices had to specify…rules…,介词短语for …car做修饰novel rules的后置定语, then为时间状语第二个分句的基本结构是they must sort out+ how引导的宾语从句+时间状语。
explosion [iks'pləuʒən](n.)爆炸爆发爆破(CET-4)(2010年-阅读2)(该词是explode的名词形式其中,explos=explode-使爆炸,ion-名词后缀)
●explode [iks'pləud](v.)(使)爆炸(使)爆发(使)爆破(高考词汇)(ex-向外、出去,plod-词根,爆炸大声音,e-尾缀 &rarr 向外发出巨大的“爆炸”声&mdash&mdash即“(使)爆炸”,引申为“(使)爆发、(使)爆破”。)
automobile['ɔ:təməubi:l](n.)【美】汽车(adj.)汽车的自动推进的(CET-4)(aut-词根,自己,自我,o-连字符,mob-词根,移动,i-连字符,le-名词后缀 &rarr 自己会“动”的、能够自“动”...