留学群专题频道广告业栏目,提供与广告业相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 广告业是指通过广告创意、策划、设计、制作、展示、发布、检测、管理、调查、发布、科技研发、技术推广、效果评估、媒体运营、品牌代理等方式获取利润的产业门类。而所谓广告,是指为了商业或其他目的而作的付费信息发布。广告业是现代服务业和文化产业的重要组成部分,在塑造品牌、展示形象,推动创新、促进发展,引导消费、拉动内需,传播先进文化、构建和谐社会等方面发挥着积极作用。


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  WhenRupert Murdoch sees beams of light in the American advertising market, it isnot necessarily time to reach for the sunglasses. Last October, when the impactof September 11th was only beginning to tell, the boss of NewsCorp, a mediagroup, had already identified “strong rays of sunshine”. With ad sales still languishing, Mr. Murdoch declared last month that “there are some hints of a modestupswing in the U.S. advertising markets.” His early optimism turned out tobe misplaced. Now, however, other industry observers are beginning to agreewith him.

  Advertisingusually exaggerates the economic cycle: falling sharply and early in adownturn, and rebounding strongly once the economy has begun to recover. Thisis because most managers prefer to trim their ad budgets rather than theirpayrolls, and restore such spending only once they feel sure that things arelooking up. Last year, America's ad market shrank by 9.8%, according to CMR, aresearch firm. Although ad spending has not yet recovered across all media,some analysts now expect overall ad spending to start to grow in the thirdquarter.

  The signsof improvement are patchy, however. Ad spending on radio and television seemsto be inching up—advertising on American national radio was up 2% in January on the sameperiod last year, according to Aegis—while spending on magazines and...


美国留学 美国是广告业最发达的地方



  美国教育联盟专家介绍,美国有独立广告研究生专业的大学大概有这几个:UT-Austin 是美国,也是世界上唯一一个开设广告博士专业的学校。这个项目非常理论化。独立广告学硕士专业的学校有University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(UIUC), Michigan State University (MSU), Syracuse University等,还有一些学校在大众传媒专业的下面的一个方向,比如University of Georgia, University of Florida, The University of Missouri,Boston University,等等,这些都是在广告学领域很不错的学校。同时有些学校可能不叫广告专业,比如西北大学的IMC, 南加州大学的communication management,这些总体上也都是偏市场和策划方向的。




