quarter n
*queen n
question n
quick a & ad
quiet a
quite ad
rabbit n
race n
radio n
railway n
rain v & n
raincoat n
rainy a
raise v
*rapid a
rat n
rather ad
reach v
read (read, read) v
ready a
real a
*realise (Am realize) v
really ad
reason n
receive v
*recent a
*recite v
*record v & n
*recorder n
red a & n
refuse v
*regard v
*regret n & v
*relation n
relax v
*remain v
remember v
repair n & v
*repeat v
reply v & n
report n & v
*require v
research n
rest n & v
restaurant n
result n
*retell v
return v
review v & n
rice n
rich a
ride (rode, ridden) v
riddle n
right n & a
ring (rang, rung) v & n
rise (rose, risen) v
*risk n
river n
road n
robot n
rock n
*role n
room n
*rope n
*rose n
round ad , prep & a
row v
*rubber n
rubbish n
rule n & v
ruler n
run (ran, run) v
rush v
habit n
hair n
half a & n
hall n
*ham n
hamburger n
hand n
*handbag n
*handsome a
*handwriting n
hang (hung, hung) v
happen v
happy a
hard ad & a
hardly ad
hat n
hate v & n
have ( has, had, had) v
he pron
head n
headache n
health n
healthy a
hear (heard, heard) v
heart n
heat n
heaven n
heavy a
height n
hello (hi) interj
help v & n
helpful a
hen n
her pron
here ad
hero n
hers pron
herself pron
hide (hid, hidden) v
high a
hill n
him pron
himself pron
his pron
history n
hit (hit, hit ) v
hobby n
hold (held, held) v
hole n
holiday n
home n & ad
hometown n
homework n
honest a
*honour (Am honor) n & v
hope n & v
horse n
hospital n
hot a
*hotdog n
hotel n
hour n
house n
housework n
how ad
however ad & conj
huge a
human a & n
*humorous a
hundred num
hungry a
hurry n & v
hurt (hurt, hurt) v
dad (daddy) n
*daily a, ad & n
dance v & n
danger n
dangerous a
dare v & aux v
dark a & n
date n
daughter n
day n
dead a
*deaf a
deal v
dear a
death n
December n
decide v
decision n
deep a & ad
*degree n
delicious a
*dentist n
*depend v
describe v
desk n
develop v
*development n
dialogue (Am dialog) n
diary n
dictionary n
die v
difference n
different a
difficult a
difficulty n
dig (dug, dug) v
dinner n
*direct a & v
*direction n
director n
dirty a
discover v
*discovery n
discuss v
discussion n
disease n
dish n
*dismiss v
*disturb v
divide v
do (did, done) v
doctor n
dog n
doll n
dollar n
door n
double a & n
*doubt n & v
down ad & prep
downstairs ad
*dozen n
draw (drew, drawn) v
*drawer n
dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt, dreamt) v & n
dress n & v
drink (drank, drunk) v & n
drive (drove, driven) v
driver n
drop n & v
*drug n
a (an) art
*ability n
able a
about prep & ad
above prep
abroad a & ad
*absent a
*accent n
accept v
accident n
*ache n
*achieve v
across prep
act n & v
action n
active a
activity n
*add v
address n
advantage n
advertisement n
advice n
*advise v
afford v
afraid a
after ad , prep & conj
afternoon n
again ad
against prep
age n
ago ad
agree v
*agreement n
air n
*airplane n
*airport n
alive a
all a & pron
allow v
almost ad
alone a
along ad & prep
aloud ad
already ad
also ad
although conj
always ad
America n
American a & n
among prep
*ancient a
and conj
angry a
animal n
another a & pron
answer n & v
*ant n
any pron & a
anybody pron
anyone pron
anything pron
*anyway ad
*anywhere ad
appear v
apple n
face n & v
fact n
factory n
fail v
*fair a
fall (fell, fallen) v
family n
famous a
fan n
*fantastic a
far(farther, farthest/further, furthest) a & ad
farm n
farmer n
fast a & ad
fat a
father n
favourite (Am favorite) a & n
fear n
February n
feed (fed, fed) v
feel (felt, felt) v
feeling n
festival n
fetch v
fever n
few pron & a
field n
fifteen num
fifth num
fifty num
fight (fought, fought ) v & n
fill v
film n
final a
find (found, found) v
fine a
finger n
finish v
fire n
first num, a & ad
fish n
*fisherman n
fit a & v
five num
fix v
flag n
*flat n
floor n
flower n
*flu n
fly1 (flew, flown) v
fly2 n
follow v
food n
foot (pl. feet) n
football n
for prep
*force v
foreign a
foreigner n
forest n
forget (forgot, forgot) v
*fork n
form n
forty num
*forward ad
four num
fourteen num
fourth num
fox n
free a
table n
*table tennis = ping pong n
tail n
take (took, taken) v
*tale n
talk v
tall a
tape n
*task n
taste n & v
taxi n
tea n
teach (taught, taught) v
teacher n
team n
technology n
telephone n & v
tell (told, told) v
temperature n
ten num
tenth num
tennis n
tent n
term n
terrible a
*test v & n
text n
than conj
thank v & n
that a, pron & conj
the art.
theatre (Am theatre) n
their pron
theirs pron
them pron
themselves pron
then ad
there int, n & ad
these pron
they pron
thick a
thin a
thing n
think (thought, thought) v
third num
thirsty a
thirteen num
thirty num
this a & pron
those a & pron
though conj
thought n
thousand num
*thread n
three num
through prep & ad
throw (threw, thrown) v
Thursday n
ticket n
tidy a
tie v & n
tiger n
till conj & prep
time n
*tiny a
tired a
to prep
today ad & n
together ad
toilet n
table n
*table tennis = ping pong n
tail n
take (took, taken) v
*tale n
talk v
tall a
tape n
*task n
taste n & v
taxi n
tea n
teach (taught, taught) v
teacher n
team n
technology n
telephone n & v
tell (told, told) v
temperature n
ten num
tenth num
tennis n
tent n
term n
terrible a
*test v & n
text n
than conj
thank v & n
that a, pron & conj
the art.
theatre (Am theatre) n
their pron
theirs pron
them pron
themselves pron
then ad
there int, n & ad
these pron
they pron
thick a
thin a
thing n
think (thought, thought) v
third num
thirsty a
thirteen num
thirty num
this a & pron
those a & pron
though conj
thought n
thousand num
*thread n
three num
through prep & ad
throw (threw, thrown) v
Thursday n
ticket n
tidy a
tie v & n
tiger n
till conj & prep
time n
*tiny a
tired a
to prep
today ad & n
together ad
toilet n
tomato n