1) Educators report that the generation growing up with television can barely write an English sentence.
2) Earlier scientists thought that during a man’s lifetime the power of his brain decreased.
3) Many educators fear that an increase in the use of state exams will lead to a corresponding rise in cheating.
4) Many people believe that in a factory beautification of the dull setting results in greater productivity.
5) Any good relationship between nations in based on mutual(相互)trust and respect.
6) Throughout the ages different ideas have been expressed about the working of the human brain.
7) Scientists hope that if we can discover how the brain works, the better use we will be able to put it to.
8) Some recent research also suggests that we remember everything that happens to us.
9) He holds that there is no advantage in introducing the new method.
10) He holds that there is no advantage in introducing the new method.
11) We hold these truths to learn language skills, computer know-how and so on, but above all they need to learn how to be an honest and responsible citizen.
12) Today’s students need to learn learn language skills, computer know-how and so on, but about all they need to learn how to be an honest and responsib...