留学群专题频道威尔史密斯栏目,提供与威尔史密斯相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 威尔·史密斯(Will Smith),美国演员、歌手,1968年9月25日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城。他12岁时以说唱歌手的身份踏入演艺圈,并于1985年与杰夫·汤恩斯组成组合DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince,随后两度获得格莱美奖 。1993年,威尔·史密斯开始登上大荧幕,主演影片《六度分离》 。随后《绝地战警》《独立日》等作品使他逐步确立了影坛的地位。1997年推出的《黑衣人》系列则可以认为是威尔·史密斯在商业电影上最成功的作品之一。同时,他还因主演《拳王阿里》和《当幸福来敲门》两度获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖提名。 2015年,威尔·史密斯收入2600万美元,居福布斯全球演员富豪榜并列第18位。2016年1月28日报道称,由于奥斯卡提名连续两年演技奖“全白”,好莱坞著名黑人影星威尔·史密斯此前表示拒绝出席奥斯卡颁奖典礼。

威尔史密斯 Will Smith

威尔史密斯 Will Smith 初中英语作文 400字英语作文

  Will Smith is a male actor in America, he is famous around the world, his movies are very popular.

  Smith has the black blood, but he looks very handsome, many girls have crush on him. Smith has the successful career, the movies he plays always wins not only the money, but also the good commence. I am very impressed by his movie The Pursuit of Happiness, which is played by him and his son. Smith plays a real man’s story. The man lives the really hard life, he gets divorced with his wife and the son follows him. Smith struggles with the living with his son, at the same time, he is refused by many bosses. Though life is hard, he never gives up, finally, Smith gets the job and becomes a successful man. The story inspires so many people, Smith plays so well.


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