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英语六级语法 英语六级词汇 英语六级翻译



  1. He did me a ____turn by lending me ten pounds.

  A. good B. nice C. fine D. pretty

  2. Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.

  A. output B. surplus C. production D. plenty

  3. Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social ____.

  A. occasions B. cases C.situations D. circumstances

  4. They have considered their high standard of living a(n)____for practising their basic beliefs.

  A. award B. reward C. result D. consequence

  5. Mac’s close____to his brother made people mistake them for one another.

  A. resemblance B. identity  C. appearance D. relationship

  6. The thieves____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.

  A. spread B. scratched C.scattered D. burned

  7. The sight of the fruit salad made our daughter Kit’s mouth ____.

  A. wet B. water C. soak D. taste

  8. The____problem of bring a space ship back from the moon has been solved.

  A. technical B. technological C. technique D. technology

  9. A large part of a person’s memory is____words and combination of words.

  A.by means of B. in terms of   C. in connection with D. b...



英语六级语法 英语六级词汇 英语六级翻译



  1.____native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.

  A. In spite of B. That it is C. It was D. Although

  2. Our civilization cannot be thought of as____in a short period of time.

  A. to have been created B. to be created  C. having been created D. being created

  3. We feel it is high time that the Government ____something to check the inflation.

  A. did B. do C.should do D. would do

  4. It has been proposed that we____our decision until the next meeting.

  A.delayed B.delay C. can delay D. are to delay

  5. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy five miles an

  hour ____originate over tropical ocean waters.

  A. which B. who C. where D.how to

  6.____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.

  A. What B. As C. Which D. That

  7. All the flights____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.

  A.were canceled B. had been canceled  C. having canceled D. having been canceled

  8. Once ____, this power station will supply all the neighboring towns and villages with electricity.

  A. it being completed B. it completed   C. completed D. it co...



英语六级语法 英语六级词汇 英语六级口语



  1.The Minister of Finance stresses that the quality of goods, ____ the quantity of production, is the key to improving the nation’s economy.

  A) other than B) rather thanC) more than D) better than

  2.If people are not held responsible for their they are drunk,then we____forgive drunken drivers

  A) may well as B) had better

  C) might as well D) would rather

  3.He might have been dead ____ the arrival of the doctors.

  A) but for B) except for

  C) with D) on

  4.These areas rely on agriculture almost ____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

  A) respectively B) undoubtedly

  C) incredibly D) exclusively

  5.It’s strange that Amy ____ her aunt in every way.

  A) takes down B) takes after

  C) takes to D) takes on

  6.With the experience approaching the final success, everyone knows that they can not ____ a single minor mistake and thing.

  A) inflict B) endure

  C) stand D) afford

  7.The boss stressed the criterion that a qualified waiter must do every service ____ the satisfaction of his customers.

  A) for B) by

  C) on D) to

  8.Only after many years of hard work ____ that money alone does not lead to happiness and success.

  A) I did rea...



英语六级考试 英语六级试题 英语六级语法



  1.We prefer that the plan ____ before being put into execution.

  A)will be fully discussedB)be fully discussed

  C)must be fully discussedD)would be fully discussed

  2.We have plenty of bread,and ____ butter,we have more than enough.

  A)as forB)in case ofC)such asD)in view of

  3.He has great power and wealth,but is still happy ____ that.

  A)above allB)but forC)except forD)for all

  4.____ that it was made into a film.

  A)So great the success of the book was

  B)So successful the book was

  C)So the book was successful

  D)So great was the success of the book

  5.After 25 years,the town center had changed ____ recognition.

  A)to B)for C)under D)beyond

  6. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ______ drawing millions of visitors every year

  7. It is not so easy to ______ the way of his walking and talking in the public.

  A. witness B. imitate C. worship D. yield

  8. He is a/an _______ man and can now make his own decision.

  A. unexpected B. mature C. unfair D. unique

  9. He has accepted a _____ approach to solve the crises.

  A. moderate B.throughout C. tiny D. various

  10. They continued to be ______ on the issue of women's liberation.

  A. neutral B. vague C. universal D. ...



大学英语六级语法 大学英语六级词汇 大学英语六级模拟题



  1.We prefer that the plan ____ before being put into execution.

  A)will be fully discussedB)be fully discussed

  C)must be fully discussedD)would be fully discussed

  2.We have plenty of bread,and ____ butter,we have more than enough.

  A)as forB)in case ofC)such asD)in view of

  3.He has great power and wealth,but is still happy ____ that.

  A)above allB)but forC)except forD)for all

  4.____ that it was made into a film.

  A)So great the success of the book was

  B)So successful the book was

  C)So the book was successful

  D)So great was the success of the book

  5.After 25 years,the town center had changed ____ recognition.

  A)to B)for C)under D)beyond

  6. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ______ drawing millions of visitors every year

  7. It is not so easy to ______ the way of his walking and talking in the public.

  A. witness B. imitate C. worship D. yield

  8. He is a/an _______ man and can now make his own decision.

  A. unexpected B. mature C. unfair D. unique

  9. He has accepted a _____ approach to solve the crises.

  A. moderate B.throughout C. tiny D. various

  10. They continued to be ______ on the issue of women's liberation.

  A. neutral B. vague C. unive...



大学英语六级翻译 大学英语六级语法 大学英语六级词汇



  1. 这些是历史遗留(leave over)下来的问题.

  These are problems left over in history.

  2. 还有三个问题有待解决。(以上各句用分词作定语表达)

  There are 3 problems remaining to be solved. There are 3 problems to be solved

  3. 听到这个消息他们高兴(或激动)得跳了起来.

  Hearing the news, they jumped with joy(excitement).

  4. 由于不知道地址,我们没法和他取得联系。

  Not knowing his address, we have no way to get in touch with him.

  5. 他们给我寄来一封信,希望得到我的支持。

  They sent a letter to me , hoping to get my support.

  6. 他在站在那里等公共汽车。

  He stood there waiting for the bus.

  7. 这些学生说说笑笑的走进教室。

  The students walked into the classroom, talking and laughing.

  8. 这位外国人站在那里看起来很焦急,显然是迷路了。

  The foreigner stood there, looking very worried and obviously getting lost.

  9. 她坐在那里想事哩。

  She sat there, thinking.

  10. 我刚才在这里遇到一个女孩,看起来像是护士。

  Just now I met a girl here, looking like a nurse.



  Having been working with him for many years, I knows him very well.

  2. 回到家里他开始做准备。

  Arriving home, he began to prepare.

  3. 她来到我身边,说“很高兴又遇到你”。

  She came up to me, saying “ Glad to meet you.”

  4. 罗密欧(Romeo)相信朱丽叶(Juliet)已死,就决定自杀。

  Believing that Juliet had died ,Romeo decided to kill himself....

